Public Climate Data Explorations: Future Supercontinents
Ever since I found that dataset of
Phanerozoic climate models, I’ve been keeping a lookout for other published datasets with climate
model data I can work into climate maps, and there actually is a fair amount
of this sort of data out there, more than I could comfortably fit in one
post. So this will be the first of a new little series of posts, each going
over one or a few of these datasets roughly organized into reasonable
categories. For this first post I’ll start small and look at some models for
the climate of potential future supercontinents.
To make it clear
(because this is sometimes misunderstood about that last post):
I DID NOT RUN THESE MODELS MYSELF, and that will be true for all the
posts in this series. I’m just taking the output of models other people have
already run and interpreting the data into climate maps. Most of these
models weren’t even run in ExoPlaSim, but a range of other, typically more
complex climate models.
I’ve looked specifically for models that
might be interesting to see as climate zone maps and are directly associated
with published research that gives a bit of context on how these models were
run and you can read for a deeper analysis of the implications of these
climates. So I’ve excluded models run as “aquaplanets”, with a surface
covered in uniform ocean, or “land planets” with flat global land, or other
studies similarly concerned with over-idealized cases or non-earth-like
climates that wouldn’t look like much on a climate map. I also won’t be
digging into all the individual parameters as much as I do in
my own climate explorations; the scientists who ran these models and wrote the associated papers know
far better than I how to interpret the results, and in general I want to
keep these posts are bit shorter than my norm. Most of these datasets are in
the netCDF format and all are publicly available, so you can generally use
Panoply to look
through them yourself if you’re particularly interested.
For the
first several posts of this series, I’ll be going through
this data repository
of ROCKE-3D model outputs produced as part of the research of the planetary
atmosphere modelling group at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
You can think of ROCKE-3D as sort of the industrial-grade counterpart to
ExoPlaSim, with a similar focus on flexibility for different types of
exoplanets, but with rather more complexity (in particular including a
dynamic ocean circulation model) and correspondingly far greater runtime. I
know of at least one person who’s got it running at home on a custom rig,
but I don’t intend to try it myself any time soon.
Now, most of
the model outputs included in this dataset include only averaged data across
many simulation years, without any of the data on monthly (or at least
seasonal) variation necessary for determining Koppen-Geiger climate zones
(save for a couple cases with zero obliquity and no other seasonal forcings,
where we can assume the climate varies little from the average). However,
this is enough data for determining Holdridge life zones, which depend only
on average data.
But there are a couple wrinkles. For one,
Holdridge zones depend on average “biotemperature”, which isn’t the same as
average temperature because all temperatures below 0 °C are counted as 0 °C
and all above 30 °C are counted as 30 °C; so a region with a long winter
below freezing will have a higher average biotemperature than actual average
temperature. To account for this, I looked at some temperature data from
Earth (monthly
data, still not perfect for determining biotemperature but it’ll do for our
purposes) and came up with a scheme for estimating average biotemperature
from average temperature that about matches up with the real data without
any odd discontinuities:
Tavg = Average temperature in °C
Tbio = Average biotemperature
in °C
Ta = Tavg – 15
Tb = Tavg - 25
Where Tavg <
-20, Tbio = 0
-20 < Tavg < 15, Tbio = Tavg + 0.013(Ta2) – 0.12(Ta)
Where 15 < Tavg < 25, Tbio =
Where 25 < Tavg < 35, Tbio = Tavg –
0.046(Tb2) – 0.04(Tb)
Where 35 < Tavg, Tbio = 30
Both this conversion and the construction of the Holdridge
system itself assume climates with about the same pattern of seasonal
temperature variation of Earth, which will be roughly true for a lot of the
models we’ll look at but certainly not all of them (though for the cases
with no seasonal variation we can just assume average temperature and
biotemperature are equivalent).
Also, the ROCKE-3D outputs
includes data on potential evaporation, so I’ve switched my script from
indexing Holdridge by biotemperature and total precipitation to doing it by
biotemperature and ratio of potential evaporation to precipitation, which I
figure is probably a more reliable indicator of actual water availability
(I’m specifically using the “Penman Potential Evaporation” rather than
“Potential Evaporation” parameter in the files, as the former seems to be
closer to what the Holdridge zones were built around). I wasn’t brave enough
to try constructing a system to reference all 3 parameters as intended for
Holdridge zones, and frankly I’m not sure how one’s even supposed to
approach that.
And finally for the oceans, I’ve excluded the
tropical/temperate distinction but marked seasonal and permanent ice cover
based on 20% and 80% thresholds of average ice cover.
As a reminder, here’s the color scheme I’m following for Holdridge zones:
“The Climates of Earth’s Next Supercontinent: Effects of Tectonics, Rotation Rate, and Insolation”
Way et al. 2021
In addition to annual averages, for a couple of the cases (the randomized
terrain, and also a couple control cases with modern Earth topography) the
dataset also includes 3-month averages for June, July, and August and for
December, January, and February. This, along with the average data, is about
enough information to start estimating Koppen-Geiger zones, if I’m willing
to make some assumptions. By calibrating my script on the control model of
modern Earth also included in the dataset, I worked out this general scheme
for estimating the necessary data (where “summer” and “winter” averages
refer to whichever of the two 3-month averages was warmer and colder in a
particular spot):
On land, the max temperature is taken as 2 °C higher than the summer average, and min temperatures as 2 °C lower than the winter average (sea surface temperature is taken as about the same as the average).
If the summer average temperature is below 15 °C, temperatures over 10 C are presumed to last under 4 months (for purposes of the Xxb/Xxc distinction).
Average summer precipitation (for the whole warm half of the year, rather than just 3 months) is taken as half-way between the annual average and the summer average.
For each season, the max precipitation is taken as 50% higher than the reported average, and the min precipitation as 30% lower, and the lower of the 2 is the yearly min precipitation (this was based mostly on the distribution of tropical and Mediterranean climates; I’m still getting too much of the latter but I couldn’t figure out how to get less without removing it entirely).
Even taking into account this model came out a tad cooler than modern Earth (13.5 °C average), it’s not a perfect result, but again, it’ll do.
And for reference, here’s the Holdridge zones for the control case as well, based just on annual averages:
And another case with the longer day and insolation increased by 2.6%, appropriate for 250 million years in the future, which raises the average temperature to 17.7 °C:
All the supercontinent models are also run with longer days and higher insolation, but an atmosphere equivalent to preindustrial Earth for simplicity.
First, let’s look at Amasia, a supercontinent scenario assuming that the Pacific ocean continues to close, bringing the Americas, Eurasia, and Australia together, and then North America and Eurasia push closer together over the north pole, closing the North Atlantic, leaving a supercontinent centered over the north pole in about 200 million years, but with Antarctica remaining more-or-less static over the south pole.
![]() |
Black lines are subduction zones, white lines are mid-ocean ridges,
red lines are structures in the mantle that can influence plate
motion but you don't need to worry about here.
Davies et al. 2018 |
The result is a planet with some hefty ice caps over much of the continents:
Mountain Ranges:
Next, the Aurica scenario also assumes closure of the Pacific, pulling in Antarctica as well this time, but also closure of the Atlantic, with Eurasia splitting int two along an enlarged Baikal rift, ultimately ending up with an equatorial supercontinent in about 250 million years (In these maps there’s still a strip of land at the south pole, which is required for ROCKE-3D due to a quirk in how it handles ocean circulation).
Despite being not much warmer on average than the Amasia models, the different arrangement of landmass gives us a starkly different outcome, with no permanent ice caps but an impressive interior desert, closer to the climate of Pangea (though this more compact arrangement is less likely to have extreme monsoon patterns).
You can perhaps see the appeal of choosing these two supercontinent scenarios: aside from predicting what future earth might look like, it shows two extremes for the ways in which land distribution affects climate and conditions for life on the surface, even if all other circumstances are roughly the same.
That’ll do for today; this isn’t the only study to model future supercontinent climates, but so far it’s the only one I’ve found so far with publicly accessible climate data outputs. If you find any others (on supercontinents or other climates), feel free to send them my way.
Have you perhaps considered doing a post about variant climates that'd exist on warmer/colder worlds than we have currently? Would be legit interesting. I've seen your maps with temperature variations of earth and I quite strongly suspect the results with say subpolar/boreal temperatures in more seasonal zones or tropical temperatures in what was the subtropical/temperate regions would produce variants the koppen climate scheme doesn't cover.
ReplyDeleteI've seen elsewhere about dry summer tropical savanna/As climate elsewhere and that one being one we don't really see much of, but would be more common in warmer worlds as one example.
This is just warmer/colder temperatures, nevermind weirdness with more... seasonal or higher eccentricity worlds.
I'm not sure there's necessarily enough there to talk about for a full post, I generally try to point out different combinations of seasonal patterns but without getting caught up in all the details like slightly more seasonal tropical climates; I presume it's more broadly useful to people for me to try to cover a lot of ground with these climate explorations rather than obsessing over the subtleties of any single case, and there is a plenty long list of parameters for future explorations. The outputs are available in this repository for anyone who wants to look at them more closely