An Apple Pie From Scratch, Part IVc: Planets and Moons: Habitability
The Habitable Zone
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Concept of the Trappist-1 planets. NASA/R. Hurt/T. Pyle |
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Mechanism of the greenhouse effect, and humanity's influence on it. Australian Government |
In terms of effect on temperature, water is actually the strongest greenhouse gas on Earth, accounting for over half3 of the total warming. But individual water molecules only remain in the atmosphere a few days, and so its concentration in the atmosphere is determined by temperature. Were there no other greenhouse gasses in Earth’s atmosphere, the water would quickly settle out of the atmosphere before it could cause significant warming, and with less water to cause greenhouse warming, temperatures would fall, causing more water to settle out of the atmosphere, and so on until the planet freezes over.
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Stages of the carbon-silicate cycle on Earth. In principle it could also work by inorganic deposition without the need for animal shells. Source |
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Interactions involved in the climate feedback. Green arrows indicate one effect increasing another, the yellow arrow indicates one effect decreasing another. Gretashum, Wikimedia |
This elegant cycle is the prime factor that has kept Earth’s climate stable throughout most of its history. It is a long loop and so can take thousands of years to correct sudden upsets, as we are now discovering to our detriment. In the past unusual volcanic events have pumped extra CO2 into the atmosphere—triggering brief warm periods and mass extinctions—or exposed vast masses of fresh calcium-rich rock—triggering cold snaps—but throughout Earth’s history the system has always returned to normal eventually. And so it should be do the same for other planets moderated by the carbon-silicate cycle even over a broad range6 of initial temperatures, CO2 concentrations, and land areas. Thus, if we put an Earthlike planet with water and CO2 in any orbit that could allow for habitable conditions with the right amount of greenhouse warming, there’s a good chance that it will become habitable without the need for further interference.
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Ice-albedo feedback loop; the same process can work in reverse, encouraging more freezing. Source |
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Image of Venus. NASA/JPL |
Going the other way, as distance from the star increases, the concentration of CO2 necessary to maintain ideal temperatures does as well. Near the outer edge of the habitable zone, the concentration is so high (over 5 bar of just CO2) that CO2 clouds form. Though they may still contribute to the greenhouse effect, these clouds are reflective enough that, on balance, they cool the planet. Past the maximum greenhouse limit, an increase in CO2 levels causes more energy loss due to reflection of sunlight by clouds than energy gain due greenhouse warming. This reverses the carbon-silicate cycle into a positive feedback (greater CO2 causes lower temperatures causes less CO2 consumption) and the planet cools to a snowball, and the CO2 itself may eventually precipitate out in solid or liquid form.
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Concept of Earth in the Cryogenian. NASA. |
These two(ish) limits define the edges of the “classical” habitable zone. The exact placement of these limits varies a little between models, with the dynamics of cloud cover10 near the inner HZ limit remaining a point of contention, but in our solar system they appear to fall at about 0.95 and 1.67 AU from the sun (1 AU being Earth's current distance from the sun). This puts Earth near the cusp of crossing the inner limit, and indeed we do expect11 this to happen within the next 1.5 billion years.
Recognizing the limitations of current theoretical models, some researchers have designated these limits as the conservative habitable zone and also defined an optimistic habitable zone based on the assumptions that Venus and Mars had surface liquid water 1 billion and 3.8 billion years ago, respectively; accounting for the sun’s warming since then, this pushes the boundaries out to 0.75 and 1.75 AU. Both assumptions have their issues: in Venus’s case, we only have evidence that it couldn’t have had water less than 1 billion years ago and not that it did before that point (though there's some modelling to support this being possible; in Mars’s case, the evidence for a habitable climate is clearer, but we don’t know that it was at the outermost limit for water at the time, and neither do we know that any planet could manage to retain surface water longer than Mars did. But they’re decent ballpark estimates.
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The optimistic and conservative boundaries of the "classical habitable zone", with some known exoplanets. Kopparapu 20187 |
Extending the Habitable Zone
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Concept of Kepler-62f. NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech |
Still, such a world would likely have less total biomass than a similar-sized Earthlike world (depending on exactly how dry it is), and may have a tougher time developing complex life. Worse, the lack of ocean basins means it cannot experience subduction or plate tectonics, a vital component of the carbon-silicate cycle. Fortunately there are alternative tectonic modes that could sustain the cycle as well (more on them another time) but they may not do as good a job stabilizing the climate over the long term.
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Inner edge of the habitable zone for dry planets with N2 atmospheres, albedo of 0.2, and humidity of Ф. Zsom et al. 201319 |
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Outer habitable zone limits for planets with given H2 contents. "Effective flux" is a measurement of the sunlight the planet receives relative to Earth. Ramirez and Kalteneggar 201722 |
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Atmospheric hydrogen necessary for a habitable climate (left) and flux of light appropriate for Earth-like photosynthesis reaching the surface of planets with such atmospheres (right; this is around 160 W/m^2 for Earth). Pierrehumbert and Gaidos 201125 |
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Expanded habitable zone with extremely dry and H2-greenhouse planets accounted for, with the positions of some likely-rocky exoplanets shown. Seager 201331 |
Contracting the Habitable Zone
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Maximum stellar flux (relative to Earth) to allow for a primordial steam atmosphere to collapse to the surface, and then likely current stellar flux of planets initially at this limit around stars of various ages (Gy = billion years), presuming standard main-sequence evolution. Turbet et al. 202333 |
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An example of temperature and CO2 level shifts during limit-cycling of a planet in the outer region of the HZ for a sunlike star. Haqq-Misra et al. 201637 |
Seasons and Irregular Orbits
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cmglee, Wikimedia/NASA |
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NASA/JPL-Caltech |
- If periapsis coincides with a solstice, this will intensify seasons in one hemisphere and moderate them in the other; if, say, northern summer coincides with periapsis, the northern hemisphere will have a short, hot summer and long, cold winter, while the south will have a long, mildly warm summer and short, cool winter. Tune the parameters just right and you might get a strip of latitudes in the south that essentially lack seasons, as the obliquity and eccentricity cycles cancel out.
- For a high-obliquity world, all this will hold true for the poles, but the twice-yearly equatorial season will be more complex: one short, hot summer at periapsis, a longer, cooler summer at apoapsis, and winters in between—though at high eccentricity the apoapsis summer may be quite weak, leaving the equator with essentially one brief summer at apoapsis and a long winter the rest of the year.
- If periapsis coincides with an equinox, heating is more symmetric but still falls at different parts of the year; one hemisphere will have a short, hot spring and long, cool fall, and the reverse in the other hemisphere. Given the right combination of parameters, you might essentially have high latitudes experiencing an obliquity-driven seasonal cycle peaking at the solstices and low latitudes experiencing an eccentricity-driven seasonal cycle peaking at the equinoxes.
- Different timings of periapsis can lead to intermediate results; this paper is a decent exploration of the range of possible insolation patterns, and the "irradiance fast rot" tab of my worldbuilding spreadsheet also allows you to play around with the parameters yourself and see the resulting insolation patterns.
Calculating the Habitable Zone
Hab Zone | Distance from sun (AU) | Seff | a | b | c | d |
Dry (high albedo) | 0.38 | 6.925 | 8.497E-4 | 7.683E-7 | 4.357E-10 | 6.474E-14 |
Dry (low albedo) | 0.59 | 2.873 | 7.73E-5 | 7.842E-8 | 4.43E-11 | 6.465E-15 |
Slow Rotation | 0.73 | 1.883 | 2.713E-4 | -1.2E-8 | 0 | 0 |
Recent Venus | 0.75 | 1.768 | 1.315E-4 | 5.87E-10 | -2.89E-12 | 3.217E-16 |
Water Condensation | 0.83 | 1.435 | 8.577E-4 | 5.638E-7 | 1.819E-10 | 2.162E-14 |
Runaway/Moist Greenhouse | 0.95 | 1.105 | 1.192E-4 | 9.593E-9 | -2.619E-12 | 1.371E-16 |
Human Tolerance | 1.14 | 0.766 | 2.928E-5 | -4.981E-9 | -1.774E-12 | -3.297E-17 |
Cold Start | 1.39 | 0.518 | 9.751E-5 | -1.491E-8 | 0 | 0 |
Maximum Greenhouse | 1.67 | 0.359 | 5.809E-5 | 1.539E-9 | -8.355E-13 | 1.032E-16 |
Early Mars | 1.75 | 0.325 | 5.213E-5 | 4.525E-10 | 1.022E-12 | 9.638E-17 |
Methane | 1.81 | 0.305 | 2.216E-5 | 4.191E-9 | -1.318E-12 | 1.18E-16 |
Volcanic Hydrogen | 2.41 | 0.172 | 1.403E-5 | -3.232E-10 | -2.869E-13 | 4.293E-17 |
Dry (high albedo)19: Inner limit for polar habitability with negligible water and (questionably plausible) 0.8 albedo; fitted by me based on the provided distance-luminosity curve of 0.38 * [luminosity]0.474 and the cited source for stellar parameters; 2700-6000 K.
Dry (low albedo)19: Inner limit for polar habitability with negligible water and 0.2 albedo; fitted by me based on the provided distance-luminosity curve of 0.59 * [luminosity]0.495 and the cited source for stellar parameters; 2700-6000 K
Slow Rotation15: Inner limit for planets with very slow rotation (over ~100x day length); formula modified by me to fit this format; 2500-4500 K
Recent Venus21: Inner limit based on (questionable) assumption that Venus was habitable ~1 billion years ago; 2600-10000 K
Water Condensation33: Inner limit for a planet in a system that is currently 4.5 billion years old to have been able to cool from an initial hothouse state after forming based on the star’s likely initial luminosity assuming standard main sequence evolution; see paper for similar estimates at different system ages; fitted by me based on reported values for 2300-6000 K
Runaway/Moist Greenhouse21: Inner limit for Earth-like planet with a carbonate-silicate cycle, due to runaway or moist greenhouse; 2600-10000 K
Human Tolerance42: Outer limit for CO2 levels below 0.01 bar (roughly the limit of human tolerance) to maintain a global average temperature of at least 273 K; see paper for limits with 0.1 and 1 bar CO2; 2600-7200 K
Cold Start56: Outer limit where recovery from snowball is possible, due to CO2 condensation; likely varies considerably with planet characteristics; fitted by me from reported results at 4400, 5800, and 7200 K
Maximum Greenhouse21: Outer limit for Earth-like planet with a carbonate-silicate cycle, due to formation of CO2 clouds; 2600-10000 K
Early Mars21: Outer limit based on assumption that Mars was habitable 3.8 billion years ago; 2600-10000 K (exceeds maximum greenhouse limit only below ~9100 K)
Methane21: Outer limit using a 1:10 mix of atmospheric CH4 and CO2; see paper for limits with 10 ppm and 1% CH4; 2600-10000 K (exceeds maximum greenhouse limit only above ~4500 K)
Volcanic Hydrogen22: Outer limit with 0.5 bar H2, a reasonable maximum for volcanic production; see paper for limits with 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 bar H2; 2600-10000 K
Constructing a Habitable Planet
As we've provisionally defined it, habitability requires an atmosphere, and, as discussed in the last section, that becomes difficult for a smaller planets which tend to experience faster atmospheric escape. At 0.107 times the mass of Earth, Mars retains only a thin atmosphere today, providing too little pressure and greenhouse heating for surface water.
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NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech |
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Relative sizes of planets with Earthlike compositions and a plausible range of habitable masses. |
As a simpler rule of thumb, we might easier to remember a conservative range of habitable planet surface gravities of about 1/2 to 2 times Earth's gravity, and and an optimistic range of 1/3 to 3 times. Exactly what such varying surface gravity might mean for topography and life is a subject for another time, but given the range of masses and sizes of life on Earth, I doubt even a 4-fold increase in surface gravity would prevent complex life.
Other Habitability Factors
Large Moons
First off, Earth is unique amongst observed terrestrial planets for having
a fairly large moon, though it’ll be a while before we can determine how
common that is for exoplanets. Researchers have long supposed that the
presence of the moon could help stabilize Earth’s obliquity, reducing the
occurrence of snowball episodes. But recent modelling has shown that a
moonless Earth is
perfectly capable91
of sustaining reasonable obliquity for long periods (and incidentally that
retrograde-rotating planets are more stable)
and that
in fact92
the moon is close to the maximum size it can be without destabilizing
Earth’s obliquity. And, as we saw earlier, variable obliquity may not be a showstopper for
habitability anyway.
Neighboring Gas Giants
Atmospheric Composition
Day Length
Habitable Moons
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"Effective obliquity" for a moon in an inclined orbit of a planet
but with no tilt relative to that orbit. |
- Earth is currently substantially colder than it has been for most of the last half-billion years at least, and also has some rather large deserts. Earth in the late Cretaceous around 80 million years ago was substantially warmer and had few deserts thanks to a fortuitous arrangement of continents, and so by some estimates may have111 supported substantially more biomass compared to today (the Ordovician climate was similarly amenable but there were no land plants yet to exploit it).
Given that Earth's biomass and biodiversity have
generally increased over time, an even older planet (if that
age brings no issues such as reduced geological activity or increased
chance of global catastrophe) could have as-yet unseen evolutionary
innovations that allow for even greater complexity and biodiversity.
- We’ve already discussed how slower rotation could lead to warmer poles, and in my own experimentation with climate models I've found that the shift in circulation favors vast tropical forests uninterrupted by the subtropical deserts of Earth. It may also encourage more upwelling112 of nutrients in the oceans.
Increased obliquity could also help warm the poles and reduce desert
cover, and the increased productivity of polar seas in summer may
better favor48
We also discussed how a different star could allow Earth to be
habitable for longer. A planet nearer to the center of the HZ would
also remain habitable for longer, and decreased surface water and
increased eccentricity would make it more resilient to climate upsets,
though all these shifts have to be balanced against their immediate
impacts on surface conditions.
- Should super-Earths have no major issues regarding their tectonic activity, their greater size could support more total biodiversity than an otherwise similar small planet.
- A thicker atmosphere (or lower gravity, though that would conflict with the previous point) might conceivably allow for a greater diversity of flying life, perhaps even whole new aerial ecosystems.
Our Little World
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Irradiance of Teacup Ae averaged across the day at different
latitudes (shown on the left) in W/m2 (also shown by
color scale), at regular intervals throughout the year. Produced
with my
worldbuilding spreadsheet.
In Summary
- To maintain a habitable surface for billions of years, a planet requires stabilizing climate feedbacks like the carbon-silicate cycle to compensate for changing star luminosity.
- The limits of the habitable zone are set by the stellar fluxes where these stabilizing feedbacks break down and allow runaway greenhouse warming or snowball cooling.
- Various factors could extend these habitable zone boundaries:
- Higher atmospheric pressure and slower planet rotation could both extend the habitable zone moderately inwards.
- Lower surface water could extend the habitable zone both ways, and at the extremes may allow habitability in Mercury-like orbits.
- Atmospheric methane or hydrogen may allow habitability beyond the typical limits for CO2.
- However, concerns regarding initial cooling after formation or recovery from a snowball episode, declining volcanic outgassing as planets age, and challenges posed by high CO2 or low light could all hamper habitability towards the edges of even the conservative the habitable zone.
- Seasons could be caused by:
- Planet obliquity/moon inclination
- Planet eccentricity
- High planet inclination around a rapidly-rotating star
- Wide moon orbit of a large planet in a tight orbit around a small star.
- Motion of stars in a short-period binary system with planets.
- Extreme seasonality may cause harsh climates, but could also favor habitability in otherwise hostile orbits.
- Habitable planet size is restricted by the need to be large enough to retain heat and continue outgassing an atmosphere, but small enough to lose the primordial thick hydrogen atmosphere. A reasonable ideal range is 0.25-4 Earth masses, but in extreme cases it could plausibly extend to 0.05-10 Earth masses.
- Moderate variations in a planet's composition like different levels of radioisotopes in the mantle, different core sizes, and different rock composition might not hinder habitability or even be benign, but radically different waterworlds or carbon worlds have more fundamental habitability issues.
- A large moon orbiting the planet and a large gas giant outside the iceline may both have positive impacts on habitability, but no evidence so far indicates they are vital.
- All the habitability conditions that apply to planets should apply about as well to moons as well.
- Radiogenic elements become diluted in stable metals.
- The average age of planets increases, meaning more of them have cold interiors.
- Lower-mass stars, which may have issues with habitability, will become more common.
- A larger portion of the planets within the immediate habitable zone of aging stars will have previously spent long periods outside the habitable zone.
- Higher metallicity will cause more formation of multiple giant planet systems, which will make instability events more likely.
- Older systems will have had more time to experience instability from internal or external factors.
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Part Va
Appendix: A Simple Heat Model
2 Daly, R. T., & Schultz, P. H. (2018). The delivery of water by impacts from planetary accretion to present. Science Advances, 4(4), eaar2632.
3 Schmidt, G. A., Ruedy, R. A., Miller, R. L., & Lacis, A. A. (2010). Attribution of the present‐day total greenhouse effect. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 115(D20).
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5 Kasting, J. F., & Catling, D. (2003). Evolution of a habitable planet. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 41(1), 429-463.
6 Foley, B. J. (2015). The role of plate tectonic–climate coupling and exposed land area in the development of habitable climates on rocky planets. The Astrophysical Journal, 812(1), 36.
7 Kopparapu, R. K. (2018). The habitable zone: the climatic limits of habitability. Handbook of Exoplanets, 58.
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9 Ramirez, R. M. (2020). The effect of high nitrogen pressures on the habitable zone and an appraisal of greenhouse states. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(1), 259-270.
10 Leconte, J., Forget, F., Charnay, B., Wordsworth, R., & Pottier, A. (2013). Increased insolation threshold for runaway greenhouse processes on Earth-like planets. Nature, 504(7479), 268-271.
11 Wolf, E. T., & Toon, O. B. (2014). Delayed onset of runaway and moist greenhouse climates for Earth. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(1), 167-172.
12 Zhang, Y., & Yang, J. (2020). How Does Background Air Pressure Influence the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone for Tidally Locked Planets in a 3D View?. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 901(2), L36.
13 Vladilo, G., Murante, G., Silva, L., Provenzale, A., Ferri, G., & Ragazzini, G. (2013). The habitable zone of Earth-like planets with different levels of atmospheric pressure. The Astrophysical Journal, 767(1), 65.
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16 Kopparapu, K. R., Wolf, E. T., Arney, G., Batalha, N. E., Haqq-Misra, J., Grimm, S. L., & Heng, K. (2017). Habitable moist atmospheres on terrestrial planets near the inner edge of the habitable zone around M dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal, 845(1), 5.
17 Abe, Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., Sleep, N. H., & Zahnle, K. J. (2011). Habitable zone limits for dry planets. Astrobiology, 11(5), 443-460.
18 Kodama, T., Nitta, A., Genda, H., Takao, Y., O'ishi, R., Abe‐Ouchi, A., & Abe, Y. (2018). Dependence of the onset of the runaway greenhouse effect on the latitudinal surface water distribution of Earth‐like planets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123(2), 559-574.
19 Zsom, A., Seager, S., De Wit, J., & Stamenković, V. (2013). Toward the minimum inner edge distance of the habitable zone. The Astrophysical Journal, 778(2), 109.
20 Kodama, T., Genda, H., Abe, Y., & Zahnle, K. J. (2015). Rapid water loss can extend the lifetime of planetary habitability. The Astrophysical Journal, 812(2), 165.
21 Ramirez, R. M., & Kaltenegger, L. (2018). A methane extension to the classical habitable zone. The Astrophysical Journal, 858(2), 72.
22 Ramirez, R. M., & Kaltenegger, L. (2017). A volcanic hydrogen habitable zone. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 837(1), L4.
23 Hu, R., Gaillard, F., & Kite, E. S. (2023). Narrow loophole for H2-dominated atmospheres on habitable rocky planets around M dwarfs. The Astrophysical journal letters, 948(2), L20.
24 Mol Lous, M., Helled, R., & Mordasini, C. (2022). Potential long-term habitable conditions on planets with primordial H–He atmospheres. Nature astronomy, 6(7), 819-827.
25 Pierrehumbert, R., & Gaidos, E. (2011). Hydrogen greenhouse planets beyond the habitable zone. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 734(1), L13.
26 Abbot, D. S. (2015). A proposal for climate stability on H2-greenhouse planets. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 815(1), L3.
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32 Turbet, M., Bolmont, E., Chaverot, G., Ehrenreich, D., Leconte, J., & Marcq, E. (2021). Day–night cloud asymmetry prevents early oceans on Venus but not on Earth. Nature, 598(7880), 276-280.
33 Turbet, M., Fauchez, T. J., Leconte, J., Bolmont, E., Chaverot, G., Forget, F., ... & Villanueva, G. L. (2023). Water condensation zones around main sequence stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 679, A126.
34 Turbet, M., Forget, F., Leconte, J., Charnay, B., & Tobie, G. (2017). CO2 condensation is a serious limit to the deglaciation of Earth-like planets. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 476, 11-21.
35 Wordsworth, R. (2021). How likely are snowball episodes near the inner edge of the habitable zone?. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 912(1), L14.
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Dear Mr. Hersfeldt
ReplyDeleteI am part of a small team that is in the initial stages of development for a fantasy Role Play Game, nevertheless we would like to keep the astronomical setting as scientifically plausible as we can, in this endeavour your blog has been an invaluable asset, however we reached quite a problematic setback and we would like to ask for your advice directly.
We imagined a Earth-sized habitable moon orbiting around a Gaseous Giant, which orbits around a yellow dwarf slightly smaller than the Sun, having successfully used your Worldbuilding Spreadsheet and managing a good balance in the system we attempted to roughly calculate the irradiance on said moon, but failed miserably as we couldn’t develop a sensible model of its motion.
We would like to know what kind of approximation of the orbit would be the most accurate to input in your model for the “Irradiance Calculation for Fast-Rotating Planets of Varying Obliquity and Eccentricity”, as our attempts only provoked extremely harsh frigid and blistering phases in correlation of the apoapsis and periaxis of the approximated orbit.
We would like to specify that our moon needs to be easily habitable by humans, given that it is necessary for our story.
We wish to thank you regardless of your response for your incredible and extremely complete work, both on the blog and in the spreadsheet, your work has been incredibly useful for us, and without it we would probably ended up with a completely implausible system and a bizarre sky to top the adventure we are developing.
In case you would want to take a look at what we have done until now here is the wordbuilding spreadsheet with our data, thank you very much for your time!
Unless your gas giant is incredibly large compared to the star with a very distant-orbiting moon, the gas giant's orbit should be a reasonable approximation for the moon's motion--per your numbers, your moon only deviates from that by about 1% of the distance to the star. You can also give the moon some "effective obliquity" by giving it an orbit inclined from its planet's orbit (in essence you can then treat that inclination as obliquity for all purposes of climate), which will help spread out heating across the surface a bit. And if you are still getting big swings in irradiation, bear in mind that actual shifts in temperature won't be quite so severe, as the heat capacity of the atmosphere and oceans will help moderate the climate.
DeleteI'll also throw out, if you're really looking to dig deep on this, that I am working on a tutorial for implementing an actual climate model, but I can't quite put a timeline for when that's posted just yet.
Anyway, glad I've helped your creative process so far.
I am terribly sorry to reply just now. Given the already non-extreme changes in irradiation and the mitigation of the atmosphere we are very happy about the plausibility of our system, we will implement your suggestion and hope to smooth out our numbers a bit. Thank you very much for your prompt answer and your work!
DeleteIf I need a high amount of CO2 to maintain habitable temperatures, would these high concentrations be maintained even with photosynthetic life?
ReplyDeleteIn general, all CO2 consumed by photosynthesis is returned to the atmosphere by respiration. Some small amount may be buried and end up as fossil fuels, and sometimes an influx of nutrients into coastal waters can cause bursts of photosynthetic activity that draw down more CO2, but in normal circumstances it should have little net effect on CO2 levels. More important is rates of volcanism and weathering.
DeleteGood stuff.
ReplyDeleteSo if you've got a habitable exo-moon with a long orbit (say Callisto's 17 days, or even something like the Moon's 28 days), do you think the night-time temperature drop with an otherwise Earth-equivalent moon would be so severe that it would approach freezing across most of the side facing away from the sun? I'm wondering if we should think of these more as mini-seasons rather than night and day.
But on the other hand, atmospheric conditions would dominate. Early Cretaceous Antarctica didn't freeze even in months of winter darkness, as far as we can tell. And each side of the moon would take a lot of sunlight during the long, continuous days.
I'm currently running a series of climate models of Earth at varying day lengths, including 10x and 30x longer days, so once that's done and I've looked through the data I can give a more complete answer (which I'll post up on the blog). In general though, it does seem that a region with sufficiently high average solar heating can hold onto quite a bit of that heat through long periods of darkness, but with a strong dependence on distance from large bodies of water; coastal areas can remain mild through months of darkness while continent interiors are more variable.
DeleteI've been reading your blog for a bit now, and what you've created is an incredible resource. I've already used your temperature climate exploration as a guide to figure out the climate zones on my own world.
ReplyDeletePresently, I'm trying to design a very dry and hot yet habitable world that was previously a humid, swamp-covered world on the edge of a moist greenhouse for a hundred million years or so during which time an intelligent species evolved. I figure that either water loss to space or subduction of water into the mantle could feasibly change the planet into the dry world it is today. I'm not sure how to simulate this in your worldbuilding spreadsheet.
Is it feasible for an almost-moist greenhouse world to transform into a marginally habitable low-humidity world without becoming entirely uninhabitable during the transition?
I've been slowly working on an update for this post based on some new sources I've found, some of which do address this possibility: for a planet of a sunlike star, it has to start off pretty dry (~10% Earth's ocean volume), though perhaps you could imagine very shallow topography for some reason so it was spread out (; but for planet's of K-type and early M-type stars, the moist greenhouse state itself is habitable, making it easier for the planet to lose more earth-equivalent amounts of water without ever getting too warm (; planets of late M-type stars are also habitable in the moist greenhouse but lose water slower and so may need to start off fairly dry again.
Delete10% of Earth's ocean volume? Interesting, with a Venusian topography that would 80% of the surface (I think), maybe even give a lot of continent-sized swampy areas.
DeleteMy planet actually orbits an A0 star, specifically, it is a blue straggler that was a sunlike G class for its first billion years (give or take a few hundred million), after which a gradual mass transfer occurred when its twin star (an ordinary A-type star) expanded into a red giant, leaving its roche limit and thus transferring half its mass via Lagrange points 'gently' to the G-type star, with its core becoming a white dwarf. Based off this paper:
I'm assuming that the transferring mass won't entirely destroy the planets orbiting the stars, so that they could then still cool down (again) and eventually develop life some 2 to 3 billion years later.
What conditions make the moist greenhouse state habitable vs. not?
Something about the way the redder light from cooler stars influences the structure of the atmosphere just means that the planet enters a moist greenhouse state at a lower temperature. The paper I linked about it is about as much study exists on the topic.
DeleteAh I see! I did look over the papers you linked a bit. If I understand them correctly, because water absorbs longer wavelengths more so than shorter ones, red stars are more effective at heating water-rich worlds. I noticed the one paper stated that around smaller M dwarfs planets would enter moist greenhouse a little too easily, and bake. The papers did not seem to cover any stars hotter or bluer than the Sun though, so I have to wonder if bluer stars would mean cooler moist greenhouse worlds for similar reasons as to why they have wider habitable zones.
DeleteI doubt it. On closer reading of the paper the fact that these planets are assumed to be tidal-locked is a major element of what keeps them habitable, as the cloud formations that develop substantially cool them, and you would expect that to be unlikely for more distantly-orbiting planets of brighter stars; the paper references simulations done with more earth-like planets indicate far higher temperatures (>350 K) during the moist greenhouse, and one would broadly expect that trend to continue for hotter stars. It's also somewhat moot because a larger, hotter star will evolve faster and so push a planet into the runaway greenhouse limit pretty quickly after hitting the moist greenhouse limit, giving fairly little time for water loss regardless of what happens during the moist greenhouse, so you need to start off with small oceans that can be rapidly lost either way.
DeleteMight planets remain warm but not technically in a moist greenhouse around hotter stars?
DeleteRegarding larger stars, they don't necessarily evolve faster... If they are blue stragglers. I'm fuzzy on the details as to why, but there are A-class blue stragglers that are several billion years old.
The overall trend here seems to indicate they might get hotter before entering moist greenhouse, but that would be counterproductive here; the moist greenhouse state is defined by the presence of large amounts of water in the stratosphere, which causes faster atmospheric escape of water; delaying the transition to a moist greenhouse would thus imply slower loss of the oceans and so less total water that could escape before the surface became uninhabitable.
DeleteAnd I haven't looked much at blue stragglers specifically but my general understanding is that they appear to be older than they should be based on their context but most plausible explanations for them propose that they actually formed later than their neighbors by some unusual mechanism and so are actually as young as typical models of star evolution imply they should be. With stars that have formed by collision or mass accretion "age" perhaps becomes a trickier concept, but at any rate once they reach the larger size, they should then continue to evolve at about the same rate of other stars of similar size and composition.
Well, I've opted to put the wet world orbiting a red dwarf in the same system, on an 8-day orbit. Thanks for your feedback and help! :D
DeleteRegarding blue stragglers and there age, in my research I came across this:
It seems that for some blue stragglers, if they gain mass via the accretion of the outer shell of a giant star, that this ends up forming some sort of double-layered star. With the 'original' so to speak remaining inside with a shell or sheath of additional stellar material from the giant surrounding that. In this case at least, the star seems to continue ageing at a rate more typical for original star.
Great resource! I am not scientifically literate but I want to write a soft sci-fi novel that includes three worlds colonized post-Earth. I am planning on having them accessible via a surprise wormhole similar to the one in the movie Interstellar. The worlds are far away from our system. I understand that a wormhole of this nature will be the most miraculous gift from the universe, especially if it leads to three habitable worlds. I'll find a way to hang a lantern on this ridiculously unlikely scenario.
ReplyDeleteMy question(s) for you, which is separate from my justification for the fortuitous portal, is whether it would be possible to have two livable planets within a habitable zone somewhere, plus a moon where humans have constructed underground habitats? If so, could one planet be Earth-like (breathable air, oceans, greenery, etc) with the other planet being still breathable but more desert-like, tundra-like, etc.? Lastly, what's the smallest distance feasible between these miraculous planets in a habitable zone and what should I know about the nearby star?
Thank you for the exhaustive resources. I know the answers to my questions should seem obvious to many readers of your blog but I can barely wrap my head around many of the concepts discussed, hence my questions. My story will be character driven and not strongly focused on the science whatsoever. I merely seek adequate plausibility so I can begin the story.
Yes, you can have two habitable planets with slightly different conditions in the same system. The smallest feasible distance is about 20,000 km, if the two habitable planets orbit each other as a pair of binary planets. If the story is not science-focused, the main thing you should decide about the star is its color, which will dictate how big it appears in the sky and how glaring its light will appear.
DeleteIn order from smallest to largest apparent size in the sky and brightest to dimmest light at the planet's surface: white, yellow (like the sun), orange, red. There isn't a huge difference between these colors to the human eye; even a red star would appear similar to a normal incandescent lightbulb. Also, note that the actual size of the stars is the opposite of how they will appear in the sky, since the biggest ones have to be very far away.
On the danger of native life matabolizing a hydrogen or methane atmosphere, I had a thought. Technically CO2 is metabolized by our plants, and an alien might mistakenly think that this would send the Earth into a snowball state over a long enough time. But in reality the carbon soaked up by plants returns to the atmosphere in short order from consumption or decomposition. Do you think metabolized hydrogen and/or methane in their corresponding biospheres could experience a similar cycle?
I'm definitely going to talk at length about redox cycles and their implications for life another time, but for now the short version is that these are quite different metabolic processes in terms of their overall thermodynamics. Plants don't get energy from consuming CO2, they get energy from light and then need to store it, and they do that by taking materials in the environment and converting them from a stable, low-energy state (CO2 and water) to an unstable, high-energy state (O2 and organic carbon); converting them back later gives them some of that energy back when they need it. This means that plants will tend to turn everything back to its original state on their own, and even if they all suddenly died, there'd be free energy left in the system so other life would tend to do it, or it might just happen spontaneously; regardless, the system tends towards its original state.
DeleteWith a hydrogen greenhouse atmosphere, the system instead starts out in an unstable, high-energy state (H2 and CO2, or various other potential oxidants for H2 or CH4). Life would gain energy by consumption of these materials, leaving a stable, low-energy state (water and CH4 if starting with H2, with potential for further oxidation of the CH4), and there would be nothing to gain from converting it back; you'd be losing energy in the process.
One possibility is to think of H2 not as an analogue for CO2, but one for O2; much as plants here effectively store energy in atmospheric O2, perhaps alien plants starting in an H2-poor environment could store light energy by producing H2 and some oxidant. This doesn't work quite as well with our biochemistry though: It would be really hard to store any strong oxidants (safely disposing of them is one of the main challenges oxygen-breathing earth life faces), and they could produce CO2 as a mild oxidant, but then they're left needing an alternate source of carbon for their own bodies. Maybe we could think of a weird hybrid metabolism where they're effectively chemotrophs while growing and then switch to phototrophy as adults, but I'm not sure that balances out well in terms of energy and nutrient consumption.
Purple bacteria can live from both chemosynthesis and photosynthesis. I don’t know if their compromise is efficient enough for multicellular organisms.
DeleteChris Wayan’s Lyr has 7 times the Earth’s mass and 2.3 times its size. Its 6 times thicker atmosphere has no significant amount of hydrogen. On the other hand, it has 13 times as much water. There is some land but it is geologically more like tall mountains than continents. Do you think planets this size and composition exist? This is the one of his worlds I have the greatest doubt about.
ReplyDeleteSomething vaguely like that world might exist but those exact numbers don't work out. At 7 times Earth's mass, it would need to be about 55% water by mass to have that radius. Planets like that probably do exist, but won't have any exposed land, or even a rocky seabottom; it'd have thick layers of high-pressure ice. This was a common misconception you saw at around the time Lyr was conceived; people heard about "waterworlds" and thought of mostly flooded planets with some islands, but really even 1% liquid water by mass is plenty to completely drown any topography (this is not to say an island world can't exist, it just wouldn't actually have that much water in terms of bulk mass). Anyway, a mostly rocky 7-earth-mass planet with a negligibly small iron core would have about 1.8 times the radius; to get 2.3 times the radius with that composition, it would need to be to be at least 20 times the mass, and a planet that large without substantial water or gas content is unlikely.
DeleteLyr is also placed well outside the conventional habitable zone; Chris claims the thicker atmosphere and more CO2 can compensate, but that's already accounted for in how the habitable zone is calculated. It'd need to have hydrogen or some other exotic greenhouse gas.
Tank you for your calculations. Out of the 18 world he has worked out in some details seven are outright fictional Earths:
One is Earth in the future with 700 ppm of carbon dioxide. Two are Venus and Mars which has both been terraformed. Apart from Lyr and its largest moon Oisin the rest are 0.25 – 1.52 Earth masses. I hope these six are not to unrealistic.
Most of his stuff is reasonable enough that I'd have to pull up a climate model to really spot any issues. There's always nitpicks to be had and he's misunderstood a couple scientific concepts in the same vein as not understanding how the habitable zone is defined but overall I think it's a pretty good effort given the tools available at the time.
DeleteHaving basic knowledge about many of the sciences most of his worldbuilding makes sense to me. It was not until I read about the sizes and masses of exoplanets I developed doubts about Lyr.
DeleteWhat do you mean by surface heat flow? If you mean heat from the planet's interior, it'll have a negligible effect on temperature in almost all cases; the heat received from the star in the habitable zone will be far greater than any reasonable internal heat production for a comfortably habitable planet. If you mean total heat to the surface from all sources, it's a complex combination of factors that's not easily summarized with one straightforward formula.
ReplyDelete"[If Io] were a similarly-heated planet in the habitable zone, it would likely experience a runaway greenhouse effect in short order."
ReplyDeleteI thought so too, but interestingly enough, I came across a paper titled "Ignan Earths: Habitability of Terrestrial Planets with Extreme
Internal Heating" and they show that planets up to 30w/m2 (!) of tidal heating can still maintain habitable (<30C) surface temperatures. I think this might have to do with the fact that increased volcanic activity also brings out proportionally increased fresh rock for weathering. If the release rate is equal to the drawdown rate, then the total atmospheric inventory can still be well balanced. It's just the really freaky resurfacing rates you'll have to worry about...
Here is a link if you're interested: ""
DeleteThat's a pretty great find actually
DeleteI find it funny that the outer limit of habitability comes from the carbon dioxide condensing as clouds. We don't normally think about any part of our atmosphere other than water vapor condensing. If we use carbon tetrafluoride as the main greenhouse gas instead of carbon dioxide, since it is about 500 times stronger and has a lower boiling point while still being very stable in most atmospheres, how much do you think the outer habitability limit could be extended? Obviously this would never occur naturally since fluorine is so rare in the universe, but it could be useful for terraforming outer planets.
ReplyDeleteLiverworts (Marchantiophyta) existed in the Ordovician. However, they would have been limited to wetlands and areas with particularly high precipitation. They would not have produced much in they way of biomass, anyway.
ReplyDeleteIf my planet has mass of 1.48 M earth and orbits in the centre of habitable zone around 2 K-type stars could it have habitable moon closer then our moon, but with earthlike tides?