For a while now, I've been using the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system for my climate tutorials and
explorations, for much the same reason it's commonly used for studies of
Earth's climate; it's a flexible and widely-recognized standard that sums up
the most important climate distinctions without getting too lost in fine
details (for the most part).
Still, some of the climate states we've been exploring are clearly
stretching the limits of what the Koppen system can sensibly describe, with
extremes of high temperatures or seasonal variability far beyond what we see
on Earth. I've had a fair few people ask if I would consider adding new
categories to the Koppen system, or propose full alternative systems of of
their own, and so far I've generally declined for two reasons:
I want these results to be directly comparable to Koppen maps already
made for Earth, and not require casual readers to get acquainted with the
specifics of any new system I invent.
The Koppen system is tuned based on observations of how climate affects
vegetation cover on Earth; any modification would presumably be intended
to better reflect vegetation cover on other planets, but because we can't
actually observe vegetation on any such planets we have no way to tune
those modifications.
When I started this post, I thought this would stay my position, but the
more I looked into the matter, the more I began to think there are actually
some reasonable improvements that could be made. And, unsurprisingly, that
line of investigation ballooned a bit in scope, so I'll be tackling the
question of alternatives to the Koppen system in three parts: first, we'll
explore modifications to the Koppen system or whole alternative climate
classification systems proposed by climate researchers throughout the
history of the fireld, seeing what lessons we can take in terms of how these
systems apply different climate parameters or choose to make different sorts
of distinctions; second, I'll attempt to construct my own bioclimate
classification system based on these lessons; and third, I'll see how some
of the exotic climate states we've explored previously are represented by
this new system.
(Quick terminology note: properly it's the Köppen or Köppen-Geiger classification system, but I'll just be saying Koppen because
it's shorter and pasting in the umlaut without Blogger's text editor messing
up the font is a pain).
Biomes and Climate Classification
First off, let's clarify our goals: for the most part what we really want
to know is what biomes a planet will have, meaning what types of
life—vegetation in particular—are dominant within different areas. There have been numerous schemes to
classify Earth's biomes, with
this being a typical breakdown
(that site also includes a more detailed breakdown into ecoregions, which
are more geographically constrained such that they contain not just similar
types of life, but similar specific species); but see also
this approach, which is a bit
more detailed in some cases but doesn't attempt to divide areas into
exclusive zones. You may have also seen this popular map before, which so
far as I can tell was made by one Wikipedia user as a synthesis of various
sources (and they did a fair enough job of it, to be clear):
The trouble of course is that these systems are designed to
describe the biomes observed on Earth rather than predict the
biomes we might see elsewhere (they're also often a bit specifically tuned
to the particular varieties of life present on modern Earth, so won't apply
well to alien worlds or even past Earth before the Cenozoic).
Climate classification systems are based on the assumption that biome
distribution is (for the most part) controlled by climate, and so we should
be able to predict the most likely biome in a location based just on some
key parameters of its climate; even on an alien planet with life unrelated
to that on Earth, we can expect (however tentatively) that similar
environmental influences will create similar ecological niches. All the
systems we'll discuss today consider two main types of climate factors influencing growing conditions
for plants in any area: thermal factors and
water factors.
Thermal factors generally means temperature, but this impacts
plant growth in two primary ways: first, tolerances: Certain plants
can only tolerate certain ranges of temperature before suffering damage. 0 °C is the most important tolerance threshold, as sub-freezing
temperatures cause frosts that can damage exposed soft leaves, stems, and
shallow roots, though some plants may be able to tolerate brief nighttime
frosts but not sustained subfreezing temperatures. To a lesser extent,
some tropical plants may not tolerate temperatures below around 10 °C well, and some mildly frost-tolerant trees may be damaged at
temperatures well below freezing.
Second, temperature informs the growing season: Broadly speaking,
plants grow best between about 20 and 30 °C, with very little growth below 10 °C and essentially none below 0 °C. In seasonal climates with winter frosts, leaves and soft stems may have
to be lost in winter, or a smaller plant may attempt to complete its
entire life cycle in one year and rely on its seeds surviving winter; the
longer and warmer the growing season between winters, the more plants can
invest in larger leaves and other soft structures, with the expectation
that they can recoup the cost of growth before they have to lose those
structures to conserve nutrients in winter; a very short and cool growing
season inversely encourages more gradual growth between years and more
structures that can tolerate the cold without being lost. Hence the
general spectrum of Earth from broad-leaved evergreen trees that
can keep their leaves all year without fear of frost, to
deciduous trees that grow large leaves but then lose them in
winter, and coniferous evergreen trees that retain small
needle-like leaves through freezing winters (with a parallel gradient in
short-lived undergrowth towards smaller varieties that require shorter
growing periods and can better tolerate early frosts).
The water factor represents availability of water in the soil, also
necessary for growth, but with the complication that water level in the soil
depends not only on input of water from precipitation (rain and snow)
but also loss of water to evapotranspiration (combined surface
evaporation and transpiration through the plants' own leaves).
Evapotranspiration generally increases with temperature, so warmer areas
generally require more precipitation to ensure sufficient water
availability, but timing of precipitation also matters: in a climate with
substantial temperature variation, more precipitation will be needed in
summer than in winter to balance evapotranspiration, and if all
precipitation arrives in one short burst, it may all evaporate and leave the
ground dry for the rest of the year. Precipitation
generally correlates with temperature, offsetting the importance of
evapotranspiration variation a bit, but not always, so you'll see that some
classification systems essentially try to track a precipitation seasonal
cycle separate from the thermal seasons.
Though these mechanical considerations are taken into account to varying
extents by different systems, ultimately they're all still based on
observational data; climate data is compared to biome distribution and the
researchers try to work out what ranges of the former best match up to the
latter. They can be extrapolated to other contexts, much as a we can look at
observations of star mass and luminosity and create formulas to predict
luminosity for fictional stars based on mass. But, much as with those
formulas, this approach is only really reliable within an intended range of
use. Most of these climate classification systems are intended for use on
Earth and so make various assumptions about what range of climates you can
expect to encounter, what exact type of climate data you might have
available, and what parameters can be assumed to correlate or ignored
In particular, a lot of these systems, especially the older ones, assume
that direct observations of factors like minimum temperature or
evapotranspiration are not available, and so rely on proxies: other
parameters that are assumed to correlate to these factors well enough to be
taken as direct indicators of them. The assumed correlations are, again,
tuned based on observational data on Earth, so may not apply well to other
planets. One common issue we'll see is that average annual temperatures are
used as a proxy for overall temperature range based on some assumed seasonal
pattern, or monthly temperature averages are used as proxies for maximum and
minimum temperatures based on assumed daily variation, but these assumptions
won't hold particularly well for planets with very different seasons or
But even that issue aside, biomes are not actually solely determined by
climate; soil quality, topography, fire frequency, and herbivory by animals
all influence vegetation distribution as well (though many of these factors
do correlate to climate to some extent, but often not perfectly). Thus no
climate classification system will perfectly match biome distribution (and
many biomes are divided by gradual gradients rather than hard boundaries
anyway), which has led to something of a division in the philosophy of how
climate classification systems are developed and what each climate zone is
meant to represent:
What we might call boundary systems still attempt to correlate
climate directly to biomes, with each zone taken to correspond directly
to a specific biome and predict its distribution, such that the
boundaries seen on the climate map represent real boundaries between
biomes in reality—even if we have to accept a certain margin of error and "fuzziness" to
these boundaries in practice.
Alternatively, what I'll call gradient systems abandon any such
direct correspondence and instead use zones as indicators of the overall
gradient in major thermal and water factors; there's still some
correlation to biomes in that, for example, areas indicated as wetter
might be expected to be lusher, but an individual zone doesn't
correspond to a single biome, and the boundaries between zones aren't
assigned any particular importance either; instead, zone boundaries are
used to show the progression from drier to wetter or colder to warmer
areas with a bit more visual clarity than something like a color
gradient might provide, much as a topographic map might use contour
lines to show elevation.
Much has been said over the years of the relative advantages of each;
boundary systems may sometimes be misleading where their boundaries don't
match well to actual biomes, but gradient systems may be less intuitive to
read and fail to give us a clear picture of what to expect specific areas to
actually look like.
Beyond that, it's perhaps best to compare these approaches by seeing them
in practice; so with all that in mind, let's go through a few of these
systems and see how they approach these challenges and what limitations that
Köppen-Geiger Climate Zones
The Koppen system was developed over a series of papers from 1884 to 1961,
the final couple papers published after Koppen's death based on his notes by
his colleague Geiger, hence the double-barreled name. It determines all
climate zones based on monthly averages of temperature (typically
taken to be near-surface air temperature at about 2 meters height) and
precipitation, using combinations of these factors to define 5 main
climate groups split into 31 individual zones—though various simplified schemes with ~14 main subgroups are fairly
common. It is, of course, a boundary system, and easily the most famous of
the type, though it's not hard to find areas on Earth where the boundaries
don't align terribly well with actual observed biomes. This has given it
something of an ambiguous double-identity over time, where even though it
was constructed based on observed correlations between climate and biomes,
it is not always presented or used solely as a system for predicting biomes,
but sometimes as a system for classifying general climate conditions that is
conveniently related to biomes but not necessarily bound to replicate
A fairly familiar map, though I think this uses the 18
°C average threshold
for thermal arid zones.
But if we are primarily concerned with its performance in predicting
biomes, there is a logic to how it classifies climates, though not always a
wholly intentional one; the system was originally constructed with a largely
empirical approach, where zone definitions were chosen based on how well
they correlated to biomes, even if the reasons for that correlation weren't
clearly known at the time (there was also some ambiguity in how some zones
were defined in Koppen's original papers, but a consensus on standard
interpretations has emerged over time). But with the benefit of modern
knowledge, we can see clear functional relationships in retrospect:
First, the distinction between arid (B) and non-arid zones is determined by
essentially using temperature as an evapotranspiration proxy, calculating an
aridity threshold that represents a total precipitation level low enough
relative to evapotranspiration for the region to be dry most of the year,
with adjustments for distribution of precipitation throughout the year to
account for greater evapotranspiration in summer. Arid zones are then
subdivided into steppe (BS) zones, which might still get enough water for
widespread vegetation of some kind, and true deserts (BW), too dry for much
The remaining groups and many of the subdivisions are defined by thermal
limits, using monthly temperatures as proxies both for tolerances and the
overall shape of the growing season, in particular relative to the 10 °C threshold below which most growth is assumed to stop:
Tropical (A) zones have all months above 18 °C, warm enough both to ensure that even brief nighttime frosts are
unlikely and that good growth is sustained year-round.
Temperate (C) zones have their coldest month between 0 and 18 °C, such that winters are cold enough for growth to slow and for winter
frosts to be possible, but sustained freezing temperatures are
Continental (D) zones have at least one month below 0 °C, such that there will be sustained frosts and potentially
temperatures low enough to damage some moderately frost-tolerant
Polar (E) zones have all months below 10 °C, such that there is essentially no growing season.
Then, within C and D zones:
Hot-summer (Xxa) zones have at least one month above 22 °C and 4 above 10 °C, indicating a long, warm growing season.
Warm-summer (Xxb) zones have cooler summer peaks but still at least 4
months above 10 °C, so a more moderate but still reasonably long growing season.
Cold-summer (Xxc) zones have no more than 3 months above 10 °C, so only a brief growing season which may thus not sustain deciduous
plants and tall grasses.
D zones then also have extremely cold (Dxd) zones, with no more than 3
months above 10 °C and 1 below -38 °C, cold enough to damage even some hardy trees, such that even
conifers must drop their needles in winter.
Arid B zones are generally assumed to have too little water for sustained
growth anyway, so growing season concerns are ignored, but a 0 °C threshold for the coldest month is still used to divide hot (BXh) and
cold (BXk) varieties to reflect different frost tolerances. Some sources
still use an 18 °C threshold of annual average temperature for this division, which is
perhaps intended to include some indication of growing season intensity as
well, or the point where desert plants with C4
photosynthesis, which is advantageous in hot, dry conditions, dominate over
those with more common C3 photosynthesis.
E zones are also subdivided into tundra (ET) zones, with at least one month
above 0 °C, allowing for some slow growth, and ice cap (EF) zones, below
0 °C in all months and thus having effectively no growth and likely becoming
covered in ice.
Orthogonal to these thermal divisions are a set of divisions based on
seasonal precipitation patterns, essentially reflecting the degree to which
water is available during the growing season:
Monsoon (Xw) zones have wet summers, ensuring plentiful moisture levels
during the growing season, even to the point of being hazardous, encouraging adaptations to tolerate flooding or avoid collecting
water on leaves.
Mediterranean (Xs) zones have wet winters but dry summers, such that
there's little rain during the growing season but plants may still have
sources of groundwater, flowing water, or internally stored water to
rely on, allowing for more substantial growth than arid zones but still
causing patchier vegetation cover and encouraging adaptations to
conserve water.
Humid (Xf) zones have some but not excessive rainwater available during
The exact definitions vary (as do naming conventions), but though Xw and Xs
zones are often defined in seemingly symmetric ways (usually comparing the
wettest month in one thermal season to the driest in the other), they're
really reflecting different phenomena and so have different thresholds, and
Mediterranean adds an extra requirement that summers also be dry in absolute
terms (otherwise it doesn't matter that winters are wetter, because
vegetation can still rely on immediate sources of water from precipitation
through summer rather than having to conserve water from winter).
Tropical zones essentially lack substantial thermal seasons (on Earth
anyway), so the relative timing of rains isn't too important—it's always warm enough to grow—and they can be divided into a simpler system based on the regularity of
the rains:
Rainforest (Af) with year-round rains.
Monsoon (Am) with some dry periods that must be tolerated but still
enough overall rain to allow for substantial forests.
Savanna (As/Aw) with too little rain for dense tropical forests, but
still more vegetation than seen in arid climates. This can be subdivided
into dry-summer (As) and dry-winter (Aw) varieties, but again the
distinction is usually unimportant when all months are warm enough for
All in all, this scheme pretty well suits our purposes for a number of
Monthly average data for precipitation and temperature aren't too hard
to produce; basically any GCM like ExoPlaSim or ROCKE-3D should be able
to do it, and even if you can only do the hottest and coldest month of
the year this is usually good enough to estimate zones if you're willing
to make a lot of assumptions about how representative these months are
of the whole seasonal cycle.
The system specifically checks seasonal extremes of temperature and
precipitation rather than assuming their variation based on annual
averages or other proxies, so it's somewhat flexible in allowing for
different ranges and "shapes" of seasons.
The number and specificity of zones is fairly well tuned to show us a
lot of detail without digging too deep into distinctions only important
for the particular species of modern Earth.
Still, the system was simply not designed with application to other planets
in mind, which leaves us with a number of quandaries in its application,
several of which I've mentioned before:
The use of monthly averages makes it a bit ambiguous how different year
lengths should be approached; if a planet has years half as long as
Earth, should we split that year into 6 months to preserve month length
or 12 months to preserve number of months per year? When testing for
tolerances, my inclination would be to maintain month length, presuming that the relationship between monthly average and the
actual extreme conditions depends to some extent on month length, or
that brief excursions to extreme conditions may be tolerable—but when testing for type of growing season, I'm unsure if it would be
more sensible to assume plants will adapt around different year lengths
(a shorter year may mean less time to grow but also a shorter winter to
survive) or if the absolute length of each growing season is always the
most important. There's also presumably some minimum year length below
which we should consider there to effectively be no seasons, but again it's hard to say where exactly that should be.
The system makes no distinctions in temperature above 22 °C and marks
all areas with a coldest month above 18 °C as tropical or arid. On Earth this is fine as few non-arid regions
have months much over 30 °C, but we've seen a few cases in our
explorations of climates with summers reaching to 60 °C or more, which
is high enough to be a serious hazard for Earthlike life, while still
having more hospitable periods of year.
Similarly, defining the aridity threshold using temperature as an
indirect proxy for evaporation works well enough within the intended
range of temperature, but the formula used may not be tuned as well for
very hot planets outside the original intended range of the Koppen
system—and flat precipitation thresholds for Mediterranean and tropical zones
may similarly not extend well to some extremes.
Though the system is fairly flexible in terms of the exact shape and
range of seasonal variation, it still assumes a single seasonal cycle
per year: one warm summer and one cold winter, as well as one wet period
which will mostly align with one or the other of these thermal seasons.
Planets with very high obliquity seem to show much more complicated
seasonal patterns, with some areas having two warm periods and two cold
periods per year, and others having two wet periods between a dry summer
and winter. To a lesser extent, the system also tends to assume
seasonality for all temperate regions, which may not always be
There's also various quibbles to be had about how well the system
represents specific biomes or regions. These can often be somewhat
subjective, but there's two I'd choose to highlight:
Though the driest areas are marked as arid, there's still a range of
somewhat wetter semiarid climates not well represented here, which
makes the interpretation of some zones fairly ambiguous; D zones in
particular tend to cover a broad range from dense forests to open
grassland, and Aw/As also covers a fairly diverse set of variously dry
to wet or open to densely forested biomes (none of which correlate
well to the As/Aw distinction).
At the same time, in other areas the D zones are somewhat excessively
subdivided based on the overlap of seasonal precipitation and thermal
classes, creating a number of rare subtypes that don't correlate to
any particular biome distinctions.
At any rate, this hopefully gives us a bit more of a baseline to assess
our potential alternatives. To help with that task, I've been working on a
substantial rewrite of my koppenpasta script to make it easier to
implement different classification systems and incorporate different data
outputs. Though the updated script is not quite ready for public release,
I can use it with some
climate data of modern Earth
to produce some maps of these different climate classification systems for
easier comparison—note that this is averaged data for only land areas from 1981 to
and that the dataset included only average daily high and low temperatures
for each month, but the average of the two seems to be a good
approximation for monthly average temperature. Here is the standard
Koppen-Geiger zones to start with, including As and using the
0 °C
coldest-month threshold for dividing hot and cold arid zones:
I've added a function to the script to auto-generate map keys, which
I'll be using for these maps, but it only includes zones which
actually appear on the map, hence the lack of Dsd here; though it
does manage to pick up a couple patches of Csc in the Rockies.
As the most popular climate classification system in use for near a
century now, the system has accrued a lot of what we might call "Koppen
apocrypha" over the the years, alternate interpretations of the somewhat
inconsistent original texts or attempts to tweak the system to better
address some of its shortfalls either globally or specifically tuned to
the conditions of a particular region. The original papers themselves
sometimes suggested a somewhat more complex system of water availability
classifiers, including options for an autumn wet season or two distinct
wet seasons, and a "fog" zone for deserts where frequent fog provides some
moisture despite the lack of rain, but failed to provide strict standard
for these and so they've rarely been used in practice. There are, however,
a few more comprehensive attempts to overhaul the system that are worth
noting here.
Köppen-Trewartha Climate Zones
This is a modification of the Koppen system, first published in 1966 but
with various later refinements. It mostly focuses on increasing its detail
in temperate and continental areas; the details vary by source (I'm mostly
going by
this one),
but typically the main difference is the rearrangement of Koppen's C and D
groups into 3 groups:
Subtropical (C), with at least 8 months above 10 °C.
Temperate (D), with 4-7 months above 10 °C.
Boreal (E), with no more than 3 months above 10 °C.
(Polar then gets bumped over to F.)
So essentially it's a scheme to get an even more detailed breakdown of
growing season length to better reflect some biome distinctions
within the mild climates, with the Xxb/Xxc distinction in Koppen also
promoted to a group boundary along the way.
Comparison of the main subdivisions of the Koppen (top) and
Trewartha (bottom) systems applied to Earth (note that the former
uses the old -3 °C threshold for dividing C and D zones).
Belda et al. 2014
Temperate zones are then subdivided into oceanic (Do) and continental (Dc)
based on whether the coldest month drops below 0 °C, corresponding to Koppen's C/D division. The same distinction could also
be applied to C and E zones, but on Earth at least Cc and Eo zones are
fairly rare, though the latter is still sometimes included when coastal or
highland patches of it are relevant. C and D can also be be divided into Xxa
and Xxb zones with the same 22 °C threshold for the hottest month as in Koppen, though
some authors
go further and classify all zones based on their warmest and hottest
months—10 levels of each, for 55 possible combinations (however many total zones
that works out to after accounting for the reasonable temperature ranges
that can be applied to each major type, I leave as an exercise for the
Sometimes an additional highland (G or H) group is included, indicating
areas where the main thermal grouping is different to what it would be at
sea level, assuming a lapse rate of 5.6 °C, but a lot of recent applications exclude this; broadly speaking, plants
don't care much what altitude they're at independent of the effect it has on
thermal and water factors or soil quality.
The Xw/Xs/Xf zones are also applied from the Koppen scheme, but comparing
rainfall over the entirety of the warm and cold halves of the year rather
than just the extremes of each, and usually only applied to C zones, largely
just because Earth's circulation patterns make heavily seasonal rain
patterns rarer towards high latitude but also because the cold temperatures
and thus low evaporation makes seasonal water availability less of an issue
generally. This does, notably, make both Cs and Cw zones fairly rare, with
the former excluding large areas usually considered Mediterranean biomes.
Trewartha also often includes a different aridity threshold for B zones
(using a more continuous adjustment of the aridity threshold to seasonal
precipitation rather than sharp categories) and sometimes excludes the Am
zone, but really this is all just down to divergent evolution; these
modifications could easily be applied back into Koppen, or some of the
recent modifications of Koppen brought into Trewartha.
For my part, I've implemented Trewartha in koppenpasta with a simple
14-zone scheme, mostly following my main source above but I've added the
Eo/Ec distinction and tweaked some of the colors for better legibility. I'll
also add various options to apply elements of the Trewartha algorithm to
Koppen or vice-versa.
Ultimately, if we don't bother with the numerous thermal subtypes then the
overall picture it's showing us isn't all that different from what we get
using Koppen, with the C/D line being the only genuinely new piece of
information, but the greater emphasis on growing season length might be
useful for some purposes, and trimming of the various continental subtypes
makes for a cleaner result. Some of the minor improvements might be worth
bringing into Koppen, though the difference they make is probably less than
the inherent error in ExoPlaSim (and it looks like this might exacerbate
ExoPlaSim's bias towards aridity in the tropics).
FAO Global Ecological Zones
This is
a system
developed by the UN Food and Agricultural Organization around 2010 to
classify global forests which is mostly derived from Trewartha but with some
oddities. The given definitions are a bit ambiguous in some places and the
distinction between boreal forest and tundra is defined by direct
observation of vegetation rather than climate data, so overall it doesn't
quite constitute a functional climate classification system I could easily
apply elsewhere.
But I thought it worth noting for its approach to aridity; rather than a
single annual threshold for aridity, months are individually defined as dry
if precipitation in cm is less than twice the
temperature in °C—a common rule of thumb for dry conditions that roughly aligns with Koppen's
aridity threshold if averaged over a year. Areas that are dry all year are
defined as deserts (with a separate desert zone for the tropical,
subtropical, and temperate groups rather than a separate arid group); areas
with some wet months but where total annual evaporation still exceeds
total precipitation (exactly how evaporation is determined isn't specified)
are semiarid steppe; other tropical areas are divided based on the number of
wet and dry months, similar to the division of colder areas based on growing
season; and Mediterranean (or "subtropical dry forest") zones are defined by
having a wet winter and dry summer, though exactly how that's determined is
particularly ambiguous.
Paleoclimate Modified Köppen
This comes from a study
investigating how well prehistoric Koppen climate zones can be reconstructed
based on geological data. This data is usually insufficient to reconstruct
the details of seasonal temperature and precipitation variation, as would be
necessary to properly apply Koppen zones.
As we've seen, climate models can be tuned to match geological data to attempt to
reconstruct this data, but aren't fully reliable. This study attempts to create new definitions that best match the existing
Koppen zones based only on the data that can be most reliably estimated for
the past: average annual temperature,
average annual precipitation, and
temperature of the warmest month.
Modified Koppen definitions applied to modern climate data (top)
compared to classical Koppen definitions (bottom); see the paper for
zone definitions.
Zhang et al. 2016
The result isn't a particularly close match, and they have to abandon the
Xw/Xs/Xf categories for lack of good data on seasonal precipitation
patterns, but it's an interesting attempt to rebuild these patterns from
such limited data. It's not particularly relevant to our case, though; it
relies heavily on assumptions about how annual averages relate to seasonal
variation, and though publicly available climate model data is sometimes
quite limited, I've yet to see a dataset that included temperature on the
warmest month but not the coldest and with no associated monthly
precipitation data.
Algorithmic Köppen-like Climate Zones
I include this more as a curiosity than a real consideration:
One 2012 paper
uses a computer algorithm to attempt to regroup the world's land area into 5
top-level groups, 13 second-level subgroups, and 30 third-level zones based
on temperature and precipitation data, mirroring the breakdown of the Koppen
system, but optimized to minimize variation of temperature and precipitation
conditions between areas within each zone.
The algorithmically produced classification system; see the paper for
Cannon 2012
It's a bit interesting to see the way the algorithm placed more focus on
tropical and arid regions at the expense of the temperate regions, but
ultimately climate classification systems are, again, an attempt to predict
biome distribution based on climate, and this study didn't use any
vegetation data either as input to its algorithm or for assessing the
results, so I feel like it's largely missing the point (though to be fair to
the author, they seemed more interested in the potential for such a system
to better describe the effects of climate change).
A number of other papers have also used similar approaches for classifying
climate, most often using
k-means clustering, which attempts to divide areas into clusters where each point in the
cluster has parameters closer to the average for that cluster than that of
any neighboring cluster, but with the same issue that the results tend not
to correlate too well to actual biomes and won't apply well to other
Moving on from the direct Koppen derivatives, we'll start with a system
that's fairly obscure today but worth starting with because it was
conceived from the outset as something of the gradient system antithesis
to Koppen's boundary system thesis, developed concurrently in the 30s and
40s in direct response to Koppen's growing popularity.
The main innovation over Koppen is an attempt to better represent the
water balance of a region by eschewing any proxies for evapotranspiration
and instead attempting to directly measure
potential evapotranspiration (PET), the total evapotranspiration that would occur if unlimited groundwater was
available. This was originally determined based on monthly averages of
temperature and daylight hours, but modern methods based on
Penman equation
are generally more reliable and easier to apply to other planets. PET can
then be compared directly to precipitation to determine an overall water
balance in each month; where a region has higher precipitaiton than PET,
there's a surplus of water which will run off into rivers and the sea;
where precipitation is lower, there's a deficit of water which will reduce
soil moisture.
Without getting too caught up in the thorny (har har)
math, monthly measures of surplus or or deficit are used as the system's
water factor, while PET on its own is used as the thermal factor (because
higher temperatures cause a greater PET). Specific climate zones can then
be classified into two main types based on annual averages of these
factors, with subtypes based on their seasonal variation:
Moisture Index, based on the balance of total annual surplus
and deficit.
Seasonal Variation of Effective Moisture, based on the total
deficit of water in the dry season for wet climates and surplus in
the wet season for dry climates—thus giving some sense of how much the climate seasonally diverges
from its average conditions implied by the moisture index—as well as which of summer or winter are drier (the seasons
presumably determined by temperature or PET).
Thermal Efficiency, defined by total annual PET.
Summer Concentration of Thermal Efficiency, defined by the
portion of annual PET in the 3 hottest months.
Though some of the earliest versions of the system seem to indicate some
ambition to correlate these climate types to biomes, ultimately this was
abandoned over further refinement in favor of a regular division of the
parameter range into zones (e.g. each boundary between thermal efficiency
types represents an increase in total annual PET by 142.5 mm), on the
argument that this represented a more "rational" approach to classifying
climate rather than potentially subjective attempts to link climates to
Considering all the potential types and subtypes, this works out to over
3,000 possible combinations, though not all of them may be terribly
likely, and with a bit of grouping together of the more similar types we
can perhaps pare that number down to 360. The main idea here is really not
so much to divide up the planet into a recognizable few climate zones, but
more to have shorthand designations for climates describing their main
features. But because of that inability to produce an intuitive map and
the somewhat arcane algorithms for determining individual zones (a major
drawback before easy access to computers), it simply never gained much
popularity. Even within more niche communities of climate research, such
specificity never proved particularly useful; broad categories like
"mediterranean" or "rainforest" can be useful for stating generalities,
but to describe the particular climate of a specific region, it's just
easier to directly state ranges of temperature and precipitation rather
than having to learn and remember a complex shorthand, and in the internet
age we can use intuitive visual charts like this to sum up the patterns of seasonal variation:
Note the clear wet-winter, dry-summer pattern of a Mediterranean
The Thornthwaite-Feddema variant developed in 2005
addresses some of these issues by dropping the many subtypes and
simplifying the algorithm, resulting in 36 main types that can be more
easily mapped, each a simple combination of a specific range of moisture
index and PET. This can optionally be combined with 12 types of seasonal
climate variability, indicating both the degree of variability and whether
it is primarily caused by thermal or moisture variation.
This does balloon the count of potential individual types to 432, but
again the emphasis is on the overlap of different forms of climate
variation rather than the importance of individual combinations of
factors. A clear way to represent these differences on one map is still an
unresolved issue, however; I'm not a big fan of the hatching system
attempted in the map above. For my implementation I've just chosen to make
the main types and variability types separate output options.
I'm not sure why I got so much more Torrid area than Feddema's map,
probably different measures of PET
In terms of lessons to take from Thornthwaite, I appreciate the motivation
to improve on Koppen's lackluster handling of water balance, but I think
this may be an overcorrection; depending on how you interpret the
implementation, it either ignores the influence of temperature outside of
its impact on water balance or effectively uses PET as a proxy in reverse
for temperature, neither of which are ideal. I'm also not quite ready to
give up on boundary systems just yet, though there is still more to learn
about implementations of gradient systems.
Holdridge Life Zones
This was developed around the same time as Thornthwaite, first published in
1947, and though it's not clear how much influence there was between them or
from Koppen, ultimately Holdridge represents a somewhat more successful
implementation of some of the same concepts, in terms of gaining widespread
recognition and use. So in practice, it is the most popular alternative to
Koppen. Definitions vary a bit, but I'll mostly be going by
this paper. The system uses three parameters, all averaged across the year:
Biotemperature, which is based on average temperature but with all
temperatures below 0 °C counted as 0 °C, and all above 30 °C counted as 30 °C, the idea being that photosynthesis largely stops outside this range
so further variation beyond it matters little to life (some sources count
temperature above 30 °C as 0 °C, but this will have odd results if we consider warmer worlds with
regions spending long periods above 30 °C). This was originally sampled based on monthly average temperatures,
but some newer studies have used daily averages.
Total precipitation, summed across the year.
Potential evapotranspiration ratio (PETR): potential
evapotranspiration divided by total precipitation; so a PETR under 1
indicates an overall water surplus, and a value over 1 a deficit.
Originally PET was estimated as biotemperature * 58.93, making this parameter directly determined by the
other two, but again better methods of estimating PET have been developed
The main peculiarity (and source of headaches) of the Holdridge system is
that it then tries to squash these 3 dimensions of variation into 2, by
placing the 3 axes at somewhat odd angles. Each axis is divided into ranges
on a log-2 scale (each division is at twice the value of the last) and each
overlap of ranges of the 3 parameters roughly defines a life zone. Exactly
how to handle cases where different parameters might not line up neatly into
these categories is often left a bit ambiguous, but the
clearest procedure
I've seen is to essentially plot the position first on the
PETR/precipitation grid and then project from that point directly up or down
to the appropriate level on the biotemperature axis.
A typical chart of Holdridge life zones; not that they're classified
based on the angled PETR and precipitation lines and the horizontal
biotemperature lines, the "humidity provinces" indicated on the bottom
don't correspond to any particular axis.
Peter Halasz, Wikimedia
If we lump the polar desert zones together into one, this works out to 31
life zones in 6 latitudinal belts. However, the 12-24 °C belt is sometimes subdivided into warm temperate and subtropical belts
along the frost line, where minimum temperature drops below
0 °C at least once most years, adding 7 life zones, and much like Trewartha,
altitudinal zones due to drop of temperature with elevation are sometimes
distinguished from latitudinal zones.
The result is something of a compromise between boundary and gradient
systems; the choice of parameters, naming of individual zones, and use of
the frost line for the temperate/subtropical boundary clearly reflect a hope
that certain zone boundaries would correspond to specific biomes, but in
practice many of the intermediate boundaries don't indicate any actual
transition and just serve to show the overall gradient.
So far I've usually tended to just choose two axes—biotemperature and either precipitation or PETR depending on whether the
latter is conveniently available—and
plot life zones based on that, which is often a reasonable approximation
given the ways PETR correlates to biotemperature and precipitation.
But for the koppenpasta update I decided to finally implement a 3-parameter
approach based on the method I mentioned above: the vertical position of a
region in the Holdridge chart is determined based on biotemperature, and
then the horizontal position is determined based on the intersection on the
oblique PETR and precipitation axes. But rather than trying to work out how
this fits in the hexagonal grid usually used for Holdridge zones, I've
settled for a more straightforward staggered rectangular grid.
Red lines showing the staggered grid used in koppenpasta over the
standard hex-grid Holdridge chart, with black lines showing an
example of how zones are determined based on biotemperature and the
intersection of precipitation and PETR (with the star showing the
resulting point, to be classified as warm temperate dry forest).
I also haven't implemented a warm temperate/subtropical distinction yet, as
the Earth dataset I'm using doesn't include a convenient measure of the
frost line, but there's a few conceivable ways that could be determined for
ExoPlaSim data.
For our purposes, the main strength and weakness of the system
is that, if we exclude the temperate/subtropical distinction, then only
annual averages are required to mark zones. On the one hand this heavily
relies on assumptions about how these average relate to overall patterns
that won't work well for less Earth-like planets and can't distinguish
different types of seasonal patterns like Mediterranean and monsoon seasons,
but on the other hand it makes this system a convenient option where only
annual data is available.
Whittaker Biomes
Not so much a complete classification model as a chart, so far as I can
first published around 1970. That version was a bit of a rough sketch, but derivatives or charts
like it are used fairly often in textbooks and the like to communicate the
most basic concepts of climate classification, in particular that:
Biomes are determined primarily by the overlap of thermal and water
factors of climate.
Precipitation requirements to sustain a given biome tend to rise with
temperature (due to increased evapotranspiration).
Biome variety tends to increase with higher temperatures, partially
because the range of precipitation values also typically increases
(more evapotranspiration in hotter climates tends to
generally increase precipitation).
There are many versions of this sort of chart, but most tend to be a bit
abstract; the Whittaker biome chart is notable for specifying particular
bounds of annual average temperature and
total annual precipitation for specific biomes, implying the
ability to classify and predict biomes based on these parameters. In
practice this is somewhat tricky because I've yet to find a mathematical
description of these boundary lines, so classification generally consists
of placing data points on a chart and trying to match this to a reference
image of the Whittaker biomes chart (and this also makes it unclear to
what extent different renderings of the chart are consistent with each
I managed a rough implementation by taking a version of the chart
from here, overlaying an excel chart of temperature and precipitation with axes
scaled to match, placing data points as markers along each of the boundary
lines, and then fitting a polynomial trendline to those points, which can
then be used (along with some reasonably linear extrapolations outside the
range of the chart) to classify specific points on Earth.
My rough fits overlaid on the reference chart.
The result is somewhat underhelming, generally seeming to underestimate the spread of tropical rainforest
and overestimate that of woodland/shrubland. Temperate rainforest also
ends up occupying very little space, which makes its inclusion a bit
bizarre in this otherwise fairly spare scheme. It is perhaps worth
noting that Whitakker's native North America is the continent best
represented here, but that may reflect the data conveniently available
at the time as much as any cultural bias.
Notably, the textbook I sourced the chart from included its own
biome map that doesn't much resemble this, which seems to confirm
that the chart is meant as more a conceptual guideline than a strict
classification system.
One odd detail that is borne out, however, is the slight slant in many
boundaries that implies that areas with higher precipitation should
sometimes be classified into colder zones despite no change in average
temperature; this seems to reflect that wetter areas tend to be closer to
the sea or at least have more soil moisture, and so have more moderate
seasons—and an area with a low average temperature needs more extreme seasons to
ensure it has enough of a growing season to support forests rather than
Two-Parameter Köppen-Alike
Somewhat inspired by the Whitakker chart, I decided to add a feature to
the koppenpasta update to chart out all a climate map's points by their
average precipitation and temperature, with each point colored by climate
What's notable is that many of the major boundaries in Koppen do seem
to fall fairly close to straight lines on this chart, and so it might be
possible to approximate a simplified set of Koppen zones based on annual
averages alone. I gave it a go, sticking to straight lines to keep
things simple and only including zones with clear regions they
near-exclusively occupied.
And this can of course be applied back to the Earth data:
It's not terrible given the restrictions, but as per usual we're
lacking some important distinctions due to the lack of seasonal data,
and in general this approach has trouble distinguishing consistently
cool climates such as in mountains from highly seasonal climates such as
at high latitudes. In applying it to other worlds we'd also have to be
wary of losing the assumed correlation between average values and
seasonal variation. But it could have some of that same utility I
mentioned for Holdridge, allowing you to make some broad guesses at the
likely Koppen zones of a world in cases where you only have annual data
to work from, so for that reason it's worth holding onto as an option.
IPCC Climate Zones
This is a system devised by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
in 2006
to help estimate soil carbon content, with some slight refinement
in 2019. Some of the chosen definitions seem to imply some inspiration from
Koppen, but if so the algorithm has been substantially slimmed down,
perhaps to make it easier to use for those unfamiliar with climate
science and help ensure consistency.
It has 12 zones, divided into 5 thermal categories based mostly on
Average Annual Temperature, except that the tropical category also requires no more than 7 days
with frost and the polar and boreal zones are divided based on the average temperature of the hottest month (the same as tundra in
Koppen), and then most categories are divided into a moist and dry zone
based on whether Total Precipitation exceeds
Total Potential Evapotranspiration. The tropical category is the
odd one out, divided into wet, moist, and dry zones based on
precipitation alone and then adding an additional montane zone based on
For my implementation, I've just dropped the tropical montane zone and
the frost days requirements, neither of which are easily available in my
It's a somewhat curious result, not aligning particularly well with
biomes, but that's not the stated intent so it's hard to judge how
successful it is in its actual goals.
World Climate Domains
This one is quite recent,
developed in 2020
as a proposed refinement to the IPCC scheme for for use in tracking
conservation efforts. It dividedes the tropical category into tropical
and subtropical and standardizes the water categories across all
zones, with a tweaked moist/dry boundary and an added desert category,
coming out to 18 total zones.
The result is a rather better match to biome boundaries. Various
other issues I've mentioned for other systems still apply here, like
the lack of seasonal data making it difficult to identify areas like
Mediterranean or monsoon climates, and it still has somewhat poor
resolution in semiarid regions, but regardless it feels proper to have
such a straightforward system using this particular combination of
parameters, which other systems like Thornthwaite and Holdridge seem
to somewhat dance around.
I get the feeling some of the intended colors for this scheme
lost their saturation in the process, but that's something you
can mess with if you like.
The paper does then combine these with 4 terrain categories and 8 land
cover categories, both based on direct observation, to assemble a final
map of 431 potential ecosystems; but that's of course not much use to us
Worldwide Bioclimactic Classification System
quite recent system
with very little widespread recognition, though not without reason.
Though it doesn't appear directly derived from Koppen, it has a
broadly similar approach in that attempts to classify climates based
of monthly measurements of temperature and
precipitation, using calculations that are all
individually straightforward. However, in the process of trying
to account for various special cases and complexities in the
boundaries between biomes, the overall algorithm has become byzantine
almost to the point of incomprehensible. Constructing a world map of
bioclimate zones may require calculating over 100 different
parameters, which are combined in various ways to determine 28 main
bioclimate zones, as well as subsidiary classifications of thermotypes
(indicating temperature but also latitude as a proxy for day length),
continentality (indicating seasonal temperature variation), and
ombrotype (indicating the relative prevalance of rain, snow, or
The provided map seems to be scaled to work best as a wall
poster rather than web image; to see it more clearly, follow
the link and look towards the end of the pdf file.
Rivas-Martinez et al. 2011
The system uses latitude as part of how it determines the major
bioclimate types (and isn't fully symmetric across hemispheres), on
the logic that this helps represent day lengths. For use on other
worlds one could perhaps attempt to find other measurements of day
length or sun exposure that correlate to these latitudes, but I've
honestly already given up on any attempt to replicate the algorithm;
for all that complexity, the resulting map doesn't appear to be all
that better a match to actual biomes compared to the
Woodward Vegetation Types
This comes from
a 1987 paper
that doesn't explicitly construct a climate classification system,
but instead talks through an attempt to predict major vegetation types
based on climate factors, using the better understanding of ecology
developed since the days of Koppen, Thornthwaite, and Holdridge. It
particularly highlights absolute minimum temperate encountered on
the coldest nights of the year as a measure of thermal tolerances, though
also uses month degrees as a measure of growing season to predict
tundra distribution; the number of degrees C in each month with a positive
temperature, summed across the year.
For the water factor, the paper discusses models of total water balance,
but ultimately determines that in most cases grass and shrubland can be
divided from forst using single
total annual precipitation threshold of 600 mm for most cases and
400 mm for the coldest zones, but for the hottest, wettest regions ,
evergreen and drought-decidious forests are divided based on whether total
precipitation exceeds total potential evapotranspiration.
The paper assembles these factors to predict the distribution of 6 main
vegetation types, though for my implementation I've read between the lines
a bit and extended this to 8, and come up with some appropriate colors
(which I'll admit maybe came out a bit garish). The minimum temperature
data in my dataset doesn't quite correspond well to the absolute minimum
Woodward had in mind, so I've borrowed an approach from the next system
we'll discuss to estimate minimum temperature from coldest month average
With modern data, it's far from a perfect match—I'm getting the sense that a lot of old datasets may have overestimated
precipitation—but paper poses this as a preliminary attempt, waiting on better data on
actual vegetation cover to test the central hypothesis—that vegetation cover can be predicted at this level from climate
factors alone—and refine the approach.
Prentice et al. BIOME1 Model
This comes from
a 1992 paper,
with much the same goals as the earlier Woodward paper but benefiting from
more detailed data on Earth's biomes collected in the intervening years, and
more explicitly constructing a complete set of predicted biomes. The
original paper didn't give this system a particular name; some later papers
have referred to it as the BIOME1 model in retrospect because later models
would be named "BIOME2", "BIOME3", etc., but that could be a somewhat
confusing name so I'll mostly refer to it as the "Prentice et al." model.
Building on much the same concepts as Woodward, the authors identify three
main parameters which directly influence patterns of vegetation growth and
competition between plants:
Coldest month temperature as a measure of thermal tolerance,
though explicitly as a proxy for minimum temperature, with the
assumed correlation noted, so if minimum temperature data is available,
it can be used directly. Warmest month temperature is also used
to distinguish warm and cold deserts.
Growing Degree-Days (GDD) as a measure of growing season,
similar to month degrees in Woodward: Each day is given a number of GDD
equal to its average temperature in °C above some minimum base temperature (so with a base of 5 °C, a day averaging 20 °C would have 15 GDD), and this is summed across the year, excluding
any negative results (so all days below 5 °C would just be 0 GDD). The idea is that the base temperature is the minimum temperature for
growth, and then growth rate is assumed to increase linearly with
temperature, such that the GDD sum represents the total possible growth
during the growing season; which isn't quite true for individual plants
but a reasonable approximation for whole ecosystems. This more direct
measure of the growing season avoids having to juggle different measures
of hottest month temperature or months with sufficient growing
temperature as proxies, any of which are unreliable for different
"shapes" of seasonal temperature change. This model measures GDD
relative to a base temperature of 5 °C for most plants and 0 °C for some desert and tundra shrubs.
An aridity factor defined as the ratio of
actual evapotranspiration (AET) to
potential evapotranspiration (PET): Compared to Holdridge's PETR, this is somewhat more reliable
indicator of water availability across different patterns of seasonal
precipitation; PETR cannot distinguish between a climate with sufficient
year-round rains and one with very heavy rains well above PET in one
season but none in another, but AET can never exceed PET (excess
precipitation above PET will store in groundwater or runoff into rivers
rather than evaporate), so a dry season will always lower the average
AET/PET ratio regardless of how much precipitation exceeds PET in the
wet season. This also potentially accounts for water sources other than
precipitation, like stored groundwater or river flow. The trouble is
that AET may be difficult to measure on Earth, but various estimation
methods are possible and climate models more typically include it.
(The paper also refers to soil data but only as part of how they
estimate AET).
Rather than directly linking these factors to biomes, the paper instead
focuses on plant functional types; groupings of plants with
similar adaptations to particular climatological niches. The model estimates tolerable ranges for these parameters for 13
different functional types, with a sorting order to decide which types
can coexist or will be outcompeted in cases where their ranges overlap
(mostly favoring plants with more stringent tolerances requiring high
temperatures and long growing seasons, on the assumption that these
plants are more efficiently taking advantage of these conditions when
they're available because they don't have to spend resources or make
compromises developing tolerance to harsh conditions). This results in
17 possible combinations (9 dominated by a single plant type, 7
featuring more even mixes, and 1 ice/polar desert zone where all plant types are
excluded), defining the predicted biomes.
Predicted biome distribution (the scan has not been kind to the
colors but it was the only version I could find).
Prentice et al. 1992
The result compares pretty favorably to real biome distribution, though
still with a few oddities. Compared to Koppen, the system lacks a few finer
distinctions such as between Mediterranean and other semiarid regions based
on seasonal precipitation patterns, and the authors do suggest that better
accounting for these patterns might improve accuracy in some areas. Some
biomes like "Cold Mixed Forest" also end up covering a rather eclectic mix
of different parameter ranges, essentially filling the gaps between other
biomes. More broadly, this system is perhaps a tad overtuned to the specific
plant types of modern Earth; though it might be a bit more flexible in
reflecting different plant combinations that might appear in different
climates of the recent past or near future, some of the divisions between
different mixes of deciduous and coniferous forests or warm and cold desert
shrubs may reflect particular evolutionary adaptations of modern plants,
some of which are quite recent.
The choice of parameters also makes it a tad tricky to implement with other
datasets, because measures of PET and particularly minimum temperature can
vary depending on the exact methodology. To keep things simple, here I've
stuck with using coldest month average temperature rather than absolute
minimum, as in the original paper, and I've adjusted all aridity factor
thresholds down by 0.05, as that seemed to give a better match to the
original results. I may play around with some reference ExoPlaSim data to
see if I can find a set of minimum temperature thresholds that work well
there for any future use.
Still, I decided to discuss this system last because it seems to offer the
best model to work from in terms of potential improvements over the Koppen
system. It still draws that link between broad climate parameters and
specific biomes, but it better identifies the parameters that have the most
direct impact based on our modern understanding of plant ecology—and will be the most likely to have that same impact under the different
circumstances of an alien world.
As mentioned, some
later studies
would iterate on the model, reducing the number of plant functional types
but modelling their growth dynamics in more detail and choosing dominant
vegetation type based on their success in maximizing growth rather than a
proscribed sorting order. This is a more direct representation of how
different biomes arise through the competition of different plant types, and
might be intriguing to implement based on ExoPlaSim data at some point
(though the in-built SIMBA vegetation system already works on fairly similar
principles, but a bit simplified and with a single vegetation type), but it
also requires many parameters tuned to the specific behavior of plants on
Earth, which may or may not translate well to other worlds with their own
evolutionary histories. In particular, how plant productivity might be
affect by substantially higher CO2
levels is not clear. It may also be hard to adapt such intensive modelling
of photosynthesis to different potential data sources.
So, though these later models ultimately gained more widespread use and
recognition within academic circles, for our purposes this first version of
the model is the one we should draw inspiration from, balanced well between
models that are over-complex to the point of inscrutability or rely on
detailed modeling assumptions, and simple system that try to reduce
classification complexity but lose a lot of important information in the
Next Steps
If I dug deeper I could probably find a few more classification
systems—I've skipped over several I encountered that were designed only for a
specific region, and so can't be generalized to cover whole planets—but I think the sample we've found is sufficient to work from. In Part
II, we'll finally put some of the lessons gained here into practice.
Great post! What would be the best climate system for a slow rotating planet (more than a month long days), especially if the planet also were to have an obliquity and/or eccentricity that is asynchronous with the day length? Also, what about planets in S-type binaries where the other star causes significant temperate differences to the overall climate?
DeleteWill you continue using the koppenscript moving forward?
DeleteNone of these were really built with use outside of Earth in mind. Koppen, Thornthwaite, and the Prentice et al. model can all accommodate different types of seasonal cycles to varying extents, but are going to run into trouble when there are climate cycles longer than months (which is usually the main sampling period) but don't align with the annual cycle, it's just fundamentally hard to describe that sort of case in terms of regular climate periods. I'm hoping to develop something that's a little more flexible to odd seasonal cycle but will still probably have limitations related to its sampling periods.
DeleteFor things like future climate explorations I'll probably stick to Koppen as the default benchmark classification system, just for ease of comparison, but the koppenpasta update should make it a bit easier to compare different systems from time to time.
SiriusCb of Devientart here, me and a few other people devised an extended Koppen climate system and this is the link to it
Excuse me if it is my unfamiliarity with the Köppen classification or something about climatology I don’t know. But how can one have tundra or ice sheet when the average temperature rises above 30°C in summer? Should not this allow for lusher vegetation and/or make all the snow melt?
DeleteYou're confusing "hyperthermal" and "hypothermal"
DeleteSorry, everyone can make mistakes.
DeleteI have a question, how low can the CMF (Core mass fraction) of a habitable world be before it becomes a problem?
ReplyDeleteI talked about it a little here but the short version is that it depends on A, how much core mass correlates to the planet's total radioisotope content, and B, how core size influences surface tectonics, neither of which are really known in any detail.
DeleteMaybe for a interplanetary climate classification system it would be best to consider the greatest possible extremes and work inwards. First, mark off the climates that are always too hot, too cold, or too dry for life to grow, then split the rest of the map into regions where those things are true for only part of the year.
ReplyDeleteAlso, for exoplanets and past Earth biomes, amount of light independent of temperature could be another factor to consider for determining biomes (for example, Cretaceous polar temperate forests or above-freezing regions of a tidally locked planet's nightside).
You've somewhat anticipated a couple of my main ideas, I'm focusing a bit on temperature tolerances as a major limiting factor in somewhat the same fashion as the Woodward and Prentice et al models, and then I also want to account for growing season in a way that'll be mostly tied to temperature but with some minimum light limitation as well
DeleteI also thought about this. Here are my thoughts on possible temperature limits of Earth-like life.
Delete1) Of course, the most important hard boundary will be 100° C as the boiling point of water.
2) Next comes the denaturation temperature of 60° C, when protein denatures and starch gelatinizes. In these limits of 60-100° on the surface, in principle, single-celled extremophiles can exist in the presence of liquid water.
3) Perhaps there is also a boundary at 45°/50° C, which separates ordinary plants from extreme ones.
4) On the other side of the spectrum, of course, there is a boundary at 0° C.
5) In the absence of snow, lichen can grow on stones, one of the species of which, for example, can photosynthesize at -24° and grow at -10° C. Therefore, perhaps there are biomes of such (lichen) subzero tundra.
6) It may also be possible to distinguish biomes of "glaciers with snow algae" growing on snow at a temperature of 0 - 10 ° C. They may be a transitional biome from tundra to a real glacier.
7) As the lowest possible temperature for life, I can think of the freezing temperature of antifreeze-glycerin at -46 ° C during the warmest period. Earth-like life will definitely not be able to live colder than this, no matter how hard it tries to adapt.
All the biomes I listed above are not needed for Earth-like planets, but may be useful for extreme ones.
I think your fifth alternative should be considered a type of desert considering its low biological productivity. Some ice-free parts of Antarctica are already considered this. Parts of northern Greenland and some areas on nearby Canadien islands probably also qualify.
DeleteYour third suggestion is a good reason for the polar grasslands of my high axial tilt world. It has a significantly thicker atmosphere 0,0009 atm of carbon dioxide. Lowlands within 10° of the poles have seasons so extreme they largely lack penial plants. They even have two plant communities succeeding each other over the course of the year. First, there is a spring community coping with 0 ‒ 30°C. Second, there is a summer community growing at 25 – 60°C (preferring 30 – 55°C). There is no autumn community since it gets too dark to photosynthesize too quickly. Animals above a certain size are also missing from these grasslands. The ones found there are either small burrowers or migratory fliers. The later spend the peak of summer in the nearby highlands were it rarely gets hotter than 45°C.
DeleteIf it is above freezing but too dark for much in the way of photosynthesis I think fungi (or the local equivalent) would take over. This is what happened on Earth in the years after an asteroid hit the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago. Dead organisms which had not burned up were broken down by fungi wherever it was warm enough for them.
DeleteAfter an extinction they may feed on the remaining dead material and organic matter in the soil for a while, but that's not a sustainable ecosystems, they're just feeding on the leftovers of photosynthetic production and would run out at some point if conditions hadn't improved; so in a permanently dark environment they wouldn't have a comparable source of energy or nutrients.
DeleteI know enough about biology to have already realised this. My idea presupposes darkness without cold to be seasonal. However, I think tidally-locked planets would have a limited light zone. In this zone the sun is never visible but some light leaks in though the atmosphere. This might allow form some vegetation like the small plants growing in the shade of larger ones. If there is too little light life would be limited to what can be based on chemosynthesis.
DeleteWhat’s the best way to encourage a lot of wet climates and a permanent water cloud cover while maintaining a 70/30 water/land ratio and no tidal-locking?
ReplyDeleteSome things that may help are high global temperatures, many small landmasses instead of large ones, more axial tilt rather than less, and longer rather than shorter day length.
DeleteSubstantially longer days seems to lend itself to a broad wet region across much of the low and mid latitudes, but I'm not sure there is any way to get actually permanent cloud cover.
DeleteI seriously doubt “permanent water cloud cover” is possible. That sounds something like how they imagined Venus before they found out the surface temperature was above the melting point of lead.
DeleteOne thing I’ve also noticed when looking at the habitable Mars post is that how hot deserts/steppes are distinguished from cold deserts/steppes can change. On the standard Köppen model, hot deserts/steppes have to have an overall mean temperature over the year of >18°C (but not necessarily every month like in tropical climates), otherwise they’re considered cold deserts/steppes. Whereas on the koppenscript for ExoPlaSim, the distinction is more like the temperate/continental, with hot deserts/steppes having every month’s average being >0°C, and cold deserts/steppes having at least 1 month’s average <0°C. I’m not sure why the distinctions changed? The latter way of interpreting cold deserts/steppes means they are impossible to occur in seasonless worlds.
ReplyDeleteYeah, as mentioned there are a lot of such minor variants on the Koppen-Geiger formula, including different C/D thresholds, different Xs/Xw/Xf algorithms, different arid zone threshold algorithms, different treatment of Am,As, and Aw, etc., so there's not really a single universal standard you'll see used in every study. I've used the 0 C winter threshold for hot/cold arid zones in all the maps I've produced because I tend to think cold winters are more likely to have some common biological influence than the average temperature threshold, which so far as I can tell is related to the particular competitive advantages of C3 and C4 grasses in the modern atmosphere.
DeleteThe Mars köppen maps are very fascinating, but I couldn’t help noticing how much of it is dominated by hot desert and steppe climates. Given the conditions of a habitable Mars, wouldn’t some of those regions be more realistically classified as ‘temperate’? It’s an interesting reminder of how different climate models can shape our interpretation of weather and also biological processes.
DeleteBy the way, I sent you an email about a commission—can’t wait to see how a habitable Venus simulation would turn out on ExoPlaSim!
Those maps were classified by the same algorithm I've been using for Earth maps, and for all the issues mentioned here I don't think they're being deceptive there. Mars has a somewhat different overall circulation pattern than Earth, rather than a pair of dominant hadley cells converging on the equator, it's dominated by a single equator-crossing circulation cell that switches direction with the seasons, with the overall effect of tending to carry moisture to higher latitudes. Because in those scenarios Mars's large seas were already mostly at high latitudes, this meant that little water reaches the equatorial regions. It also doesn't help that these were low-sunlight, high-greenhouse effect scenarios, which you probably expect to see less rain because a lot of evapotranspiration is driven by direct radiation rather than ambient heat. So yes, there's a decent chance even with large seas, Mars could have been a fairly dry planet.
DeleteAnd yeah, I'll get to my emails after the holidays.
Here's an idea as to how organisms could cope with very high temperatures. Organisms active during such times would evolve more thermophilic enzymes (or at least better heat shock proteins). Plants would evolve a longer term version of the CAM cycle, as well as higher antioxidant levels and higher amounts of waxes and diabolic acid lipids, while animals would use more plasmalogens and more water-efficient waste disposal. Of microorganisms not much needs to be said, as they're already highly adaptable. Other organisms could instead go dormant (in the case of animals by burrowing and aestivating). Also, animals could migrate to cooler environments if the option is available.
ReplyDeletePhosphonolipids are another option, whether synthesized (as in plants and microorganisms) or obtained from the diet (as in animals). Algae and aquatic animals could also use arsenolipids in small amounts. Yet another adaptation would be the use of more saturated fatty acids.
DeleteCorrection here. Phospholipids are actually correlated with lower temperatures. Arseno-fatty acids aren't suited for those conditions either, but arsenocholine and arsenosugar lipids do fine. Diabolic acids should be corrected to dicarboxylic acids (as the former is a specific subset of the latter that's absent in plants). And plasmanyl ethers would coexist with plasmalogens.
DeleteI will post details which will influence climate of Earth 795 million years into future (I chose this date because according to modern science Earth will likely be habitable for advanced multicellular life for the next 800 million years) as I figured it out from arcticles related to the topic and other info. Posting it here because I don't know where else to do it and I will post mostly differences from current Earth.
ReplyDeleteDay length: around 28 hours.
Global average temperature: +27C.
CO2 level: 13,5 ppm.
So because of this I think there will be no ice caps because poles will warm up to +10 C. Also tropical deserts will I think will become lifeless at least for summers with plants and animals growing/be active only in winters and hiding or dying (or leaving heat-protected seeds/eggs or their analogues) for summers.
Forgot to specify geigraphy. Supercontinental cycle will still be going on and according to timeline of formation and dissolution of former and next supercontinent geography of Earth u95 million years from now will be one of these 3 options:
Delete1. Continental masses will be close to forming of the supercontinent (analogue:Earth in carboniferous period);
2. Continental masses will be united in 1 supercontinent (analogue: Earth in permian or triassic periods);
3. Conntinental masses will be united in 2 or 3 large continents which formed after collapse of the supercontinent (analogue: Earth in jurassic period).
I personally think it will be option 2 because Pangea collapsed roughly 200 million years ago and next supercontinent will form after 200 million years from now. Assuming this supercontinent will collapse after 325 million years from now (data taken from timeline for far future from wikipedia) I assume that next supercontinent after next supercontinent (likely the last one) will form after 700 million years from now.
However predicting shape, geography and location of this supercontinent from now is likely fully impossible.