An Apple Pie from Scratch, Part VIc: Climate: Climate Zones of Exotic Worlds
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ESO/M. Kornmesser |
(Note: I've been running a series of simulations with ExoPlaSim, the "Climate Explorations" in the Site Map, some of which have turned up rather different results than I've seen here. I'll leave this page here for now and probably update some of it in the future, but check against those models for comparison).
This post is essentially a synthesis of the last two. We’ve seen how atmospheric and oceanic circulation produce climate zones on Earthlike worlds, and we’ve discussed how these factors might change under different forcings, so now let’s see how climate zones will shift under different forcings.
To do this, I’ll take the topography of Teacup Ae (with modification where necessary) and work through the process I laid out last time under a number of different climate scenarios. I won’t hit every possibility (there are so many variations of day length, obliquity, and eccentricity), and in the interest of getting this post out in a reasonable time I also won’t be spending as much time on fine detail as for the “true” map in Part VIb and taking a few shortcuts—in particular, I’m going to largely ignore the effect of elevation on temperature and mark off everywhere above 2000 meters as “highland” to avoid getting lost in all the details there. The idea here is not so much to produce complete climate maps of these worlds, but rather to demonstrate the key differences between them and out “baseline” case in the last post.
And, once again, tidal-locked worlds will get their own discussion in the next section after this one.
Climate State
For our first couple of cases, let’s look at what happens to Teacup Ae when greater or lower greenhouse heating causes a shift in average temperatures, with all other factors held constant. In essence, how does our baseline icehouse interglacial world compare with a hothouse or icehouse glacial world, like those that have appeared in Earth’s—and Ae’s—past (incidentally, these simulations might prove useful in determining some of the details of the modern terrain and geology)?
First, a hotter world, with no ice caps and comfortable temperatures extending to the poles.
Conveniently, Clima-Sim has a preset in the “Terrestrial” settings designed to replicate such a hothouse state, such as existed during the Cretaceous. This didn’t give me quite the boost in warmth I wanted; remember that Earth’s shifts in climate have been related to orbital changes as well (it may also have been generally more humid in the Cretaceous for reasons not accounted for by Clima-Sim, and generally there are still some open questions about the mechanisms of a hothouse climate). But in this case I don’t want to change too many things at once, so I left most of the orbital settings the same as the baseline “modern” climate (obliquity of 25°, eccentricity of 0.1, axis of obliquity at 120°) and just reduced the simulation’s semimajor axis (which, I remind you, has no effect except to alter total insolation) from 1.01 to 1.00, which produced a global average temperature of 26 °C; warmer by 10 °C compared to the baseline.
Currents should be broadly similar to the baseline case, but because the temperature gradient between equator and poles is smaller, the actual effect of the currents on temperature will be fairly minor in comparison.
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Model of Earth's climate in the Cretaceous. Hay et al. 2018 |
One consistent issue we’ll run into throughout this post is that the positions of Teacup Ae’s major deserts is determined as much by the distribution of mountains as by wind patterns. So though the deserts have moved a bit equatorward here, the difference is not obvious.
Finally, describing this world as having “polar rainforests” may be a bit misleading, but there are indeed oceanic zones reaching to over 70 ° latitude, which could host temperate rainforests, and the fairly moderate humid continental zones reach all the way to the poles. Tundra and subarctic zones may still exist in highlands, but in essence there are no barren polar regions without vegetation as we see on Earth today.
Next, let’s go in the opposite direction, to a glacial episode in Teacup’s current icehouse state. Not a full snowball, but a period with larger icecaps—on both poles, this time—and less greenhouse heating.
Again, Clima-Sim has a preset for this, to replicate conditions at the Last Glacial Maximum, and with the simulation semimajor axis left at 1.01 this neatly produces a global average temperature of 11 °C; cooler by 5 °C compared to the baseline.
Currents should have a somewhat stronger effect on temperature here than in the baseline case, but warm currents at high latitudes will be partially blocked by ice sheets.
Overall this should be a drier world, but again this will be somewhat offset by less evaporation. I might be a bit stingier with spreading around precipitation here.
The tropical band has of course shrunk, but not by a lot; the most substantial differences here are in higher latitudes where the ice caps have expanded and mid latitudes where the continental band has moved equatorward and there are substantially more areas of oceanic climate, due to cooler summers. Mediterranean zones have also expanded into many areas formerly occupied by tropical savanna.
Rotation Rate
For our next couple of cases, let’s consider how shifting the day length—and thus, altering global air and ocean circulation—might alter the climate maps. This will only have a minor impact on temperature patterns, but it will profoundly alter precipitation. The external temperature forcings are all roughly the same, so for both of these I’ve just taken the climate bands from the original tutorial and altered them to match the new current patterns, without bothering to redo the temperature maps.
Longer Day
Teacup already has a somewhat longer day (34 hours) than Earth, but not enough to change global circulation much. In this case, let’s increase it to 96 hours—4 Earth days—which will push the boundaries of the Hadley cells far poleward and eliminate the polar cells entirely.
This causes heating and cooling effects at mid-latitudes somewhat reversed from that in the baseline case, which shifts around our climate bands somewhat.
I’ve mentioned before that longer days with Earthlike obliquity should cause the ITCZ to move much further with the seasons, so in each season I’ll intentionally place it around 10° latitude further poleward of where I normally would based on the thermal equator. The subtropical highs will similar move much further poleward and equatorward in their expanded ocean gyres.
One might naively expect that in this scenario that moving the subtropical highs further polewards would just shift the position of the desert belts, but these highs are also moving much further with the seasons and have broader fronts between them, so many coastal areas receive rain at least part of the year. Inland, however, there are no longer polar fronts to bring winter rain, so there are much more substantial deserts at high latitudes.
The tropics are also fairly dry, because the ITCZ only briefly passes over in spring and fall. Overall the climate here seems to be marked by sharp contrasts in seasonal rain patterns to a greater extent than on Earth, with widespread dry winters.
Shorter Day
In this case, let’s shorten the days to just 12 hours, half their length on Earth. This should cause the formation of two additional convection cells in each atmosphere.
This will cause the currents to swap coasts a couple more times than the baseline, creating a mess of small and sometimes very elongated gyres. This probably implies weaker transport of heat towards the poles, but I’m not sure exactly how much so I’m not taking it into account too much here.
In reverse to the previous case, I’m purposely constraining the seasonal movement of the ITCZ here, and the subtropical highs similarly don’t have far to move in their small gyres. There are also now two distinct belts of subtropical highs, with a long front dividing them in each hemisphere—an additional convergence zone between the ITCZ and polar fronts. It’s possible such a world would actually have much more chaotic circulation patterns
Given these conditions, precipitation patterns should generally be pretty consistent year-round; there will be smaller regions with torrential rains in one season and droughts in the other.
Looking at the final result, we can see hints of a second desert belt forming near the second belt of subtropical highs, but these belts are pretty thin and there’s enough movement of the neighboring fronts between seasons to keep much of the mid-latitudes somewhat wet, and even the tropics to some extent. The result is more of a patchwork landscape of small deserts rather than large belts.
Seasonal Forcings
For our next few cases, I want to alter the major drivers of seasonal change: obliquity and eccentricity. Each of these has infinite variations over a broad spectrum, and can be combined together to produce an unimaginable range of variation. I remind you that a shift of just 2° in obliquity has pushed the Earth into and out of glacial states, and a shift of just 0.05 in eccentricity has shifted the Sahara from lush grassland to a lifeless desert.
I can’t even begin to account for all the possibilities, so I’ll settle for just tackling a few straightforward “extreme” cases. You can explore various other combinations of your own in Clima-Sim, but it has its limits; I can’t give you hard numbers, but substantially higher obliquity or eccentricity than we see on Earth seems to produce results that strongly diverge from more complex models designed to handle these cases.
No Obliquity or Eccentricity
First, I want to look at a planet with no obliquity and eccentricity; in essence, a planet without seasons.
Clima-Sim models 0 obliquity and 0 eccentricity just fine, but the result is a much cooler planet; so to keep the global average temperate at 16 °C, same as the baseline, I chose the “Cretaceous” preset for greenhouse heating and lowered the simulated semimajor axis to 0.995.
Given that there are no seasons, we only have to look at the temperature and precipitation at one point of time, which could be anywhere in the planet’s circular orbit. What we see is that despite having the same average temperature as the baseline, this world has huge ice caps, but also huge tropical regions. The greater thermal inertia of the oceans no longer factors in to surface temperatures, so there’s also a smoother temperature gradient between equator and poles (though that’ll be less true when I take currents into account)
Precipitation can be marked out as normally, but without any seasonal shift in winds the desert belts are wider, and there are more areas that are permanently rainshadowed by mountains.
Temperature and rain aren’t totally constant, of course; there will be some random variation day-to-day, and longer-term movement of atmospheric waves along the convection cell boundaries, both of which should form some transitional areas between temperate climates and tundra, and between rainforest and steppe. But overall this is a planet of stark contrasts: Dominated by rainforests, deserts, and glaciers, with only thin temperate, tundra, and savanna regions dividing them.
High Eccentricity
Next, I want to look at a case with no obliquity, but higher eccentricity—nothing extreme, but enough to drive global seasons on its own. These seasons will be the same in both hemispheres, and apply pretty uniformly from the tropics to the poles.
In Clima-Sim, I reduced obliquity to 0 and, after some testing, found 0.3 eccentricity to produce reasonable seasonal temperature ranges at mid-latitudes (I also moved periapsis to July 1st, to make it easier to keep track of the seasons). To keep global average temperate at 16 °C, like the baseline, I used the “Last Glacial Maximum” preset to greenhouse heating and increased the simulation semimajor axis to 1.05.
But though the global average temperature across the whole year matches the baseline, it swings from 11 °C in winter to 23 °C in summer.
This scenario can be largely summed up as a world with stronger seasons at the equator but weaker seasons at the poles, compared to Earth. At low latitudes, rainforests dominate many of the coasts, but inland regions swing between hellish summers and cool winters. Mid-latitudes are actually fairly similar to Earth, but at high latitudes there are thinner continental bands dividing the temperate regions from the vast icecaps.
High Obliquity
As I’ve mentioned before, there are multiple ways that the ice distribution and atmospheric circulation of such a planet might play out, depending on the history and subtle factors of heating and rotation. To keep things interesting, let’s say in this case that there’s at least some permanent ice at the equator, and that atmospheric circulation is flipped, carrying heat out from the poles towards the equator.
Less Water
For the last of these cases, let’s look at what happens to a typical “desert” planet; one where, instead of disconnected continents in a global ocean, there are disconnected seas in a global landmass.
The lack of any big oceans to moderate temperature has a pretty clear impact; There are huge seasonal temperature swings across the planet, and this scenario actually has the coldest winters at the poles of any we’ve discussed today, plunging to below -60 °C in the highlands formerly known as Steno.
As a result we can expect the ITCZ to move pretty far with the seasons, and for the Hadley cells to be pretty broad and strong. Past that, it’s hard to say much about atmospheric circulation patterns, because our established “rules” presume the presence of large oceans. The largest seas will probably have at least some internal circulation, forming gyres that can form subtropical highs.
Other than that, I have to assume that cool areas formed by smaller lakes in summer or highlands in winter will cause the formation of other subtropical highs
The result is a world in which deserts dominate, but aren’t ubiquitous; patches of rainforest still exist, and there are pretty broad areas near all the major seas that could host forests, complex ecologies, farmland, and developed societies. Indeed, the total area of hospitable land isn’t all that much less here than in the baseline case. The main difference is that these areas are now mostly divided by deserts, not seas, which will have implications for the development of life, the rise of civilizations, and later patterns of trade and power; It’s generally easier to send a trade expedition or an invasion force across an ocean than across a desert this broad. The narrow corridors of savannah and steppe connecting these seas may become strategic chokepoints in much the same way that ocean straights are for Earth.
In Summary
- Climate states shift the boundaries between all zones, but have a bigger impact closer to the poles.
- Hothouse worlds have broad tropical bands, temperate zones reaching almost to the poles, and no ice caps.
- Ice age worlds have thing but still present tropical bands and large ice caps.
- Rotation Rate primarily shifts the position of major deserts, and alters the pattern of heating by ocean currents.
- Slow-rotating worlds have broad deserts at high latitude.
- Fast-rotating worlds have patches of desert scattered across the world.
- Seasonal forcings can dramatically increase or decrease the contrasts between areas at different latitudes.
- Non-seasonal worlds have vast rainforests, deserts, and ice caps, with fairly small transitional zones between them.
- Eccentric-only worlds have stronger seasonal shifts in the tropics, but relatively weaker seasons at the poles.
- High-obliquity worlds have warmer conditions at the poles than at the equator, and extreme weather conditions in the interiors of continents.
- Dry worlds have vast deserts, but can still have large wet areas with hospitable conditions.
These scenarios have all been put together with a lot of guesswork (especially the last two) and it’s very possible that better climate modelling of exotic worlds in the future will show much of my work here to be completely wrong. They’re best taken as suggestions of the effects various climate forcings might have, rather than strict templates. That said, I think there are a couple of robust patterns to bear in mind when working on any sort of even vaguely Earthlike world:
- Habitable worlds are all fairly diverse in their surface conditions, and in general you can’t describe any such world with a single adjective: Hot worlds still have cool areas, cold worlds have hot areas, and dry worlds have wet areas.
- The climate patterns we see on Earth are the result of the very specific climate forcings it currently experiences. Subtle shifts in these forcings can shift climate patterns around in dramatic ways, contrary to any intuitions we may have about how climate zones “must” be arranged.
Hello, thanks for the excellent post once again. I'd just like to get your advice on climate zones with greater variation in temperature than Earth. In particular, I ran a simulation where the inland north pole ended up with a temperature of ~-30-50C in the winter, and ~50-70C in the summer. In your opinion, what would such a region's Koppen climate zone be? Does the scheme just break down at such points? Thanks in advance!
ReplyDeleteThe Koppen system is very specifically designed to describe climate zones on Earth, so while it doesn't technically have any hard limits, it's true that it doesn't do a great job of describing these more exotic climates. In this case, I imagine that region would still fall within the Humid Continental zone, even though it has temperature swings a bit more extreme than we see in such zones on Earth, and we can perhaps expect some odd rainfall patterns as well (e.g. it may just be too hot for rain in midsummer).
DeleteOne thing to bear in mind though is that if you're getting these numbers from Clima-Sim, it struggles a little with these exotic cases. I suspect that if the poles were getting that hot in summer, there'd be more efficient heat transport by winds out of the poles than Clima-Sim's models can really account for, so it might not actually get quite that warm.
Thanks for the response; on the note of Clima-Sim, I originally had my north pole set as ice sheets, but they went to about 20C in the summer, so I set them as grassland, and when that went up to 50C, I set it to desert. Upon experimentation, I found that the default Earth, with all ice sheets set as desert would experience comparable temperature swings, so it was probably a result of that.
DeleteOn that note, would it be acceptable to keep those areas set as ice sheet even if they do that? I already know this planet is probably warm enough to qualify as a hothouse.
Hmm, that is an interesting result. It may partially be a Clima-Sim artifact, but it is true that, for a given set of forcings, you can expect different results for a "cold start" and "hot start"; the greater albedo of an ice cap can significantly cool a planet even if all else is equal, so starting with an ice cap can keep a planet cool enough to sustain that ice cap, even if it would be too warm otherwise.
DeleteBut in your case, hothouse climate states are pretty much defined by the absence of ice caps. So I'd say just lose them, but if you have some high mountains near the poles then perhaps you could still have some mountain glaciers.
How hot do you think it is to hot for precipitation? I am trying to imagine a planet with high axial tilt, too. Areas within 20 degrees of the poles reach 50 – 55°C at the peak of summer. I imagined them as grasslands but this requires precipitation throughout summer. There is a potential monsoon effect at the poles.
DeleteIt's very contextual, because it's really not about high temperatures (you can see some of my tests with average temps over 60 C still has widespread rain) so much as a rise in temperature; Hotter air can hold more water without condensing, so if temperature rapidly rises, the water capacity of the air can rise faster than the input of water from the surface or winds. You can imagine that exactly how this affects precipitation will depend a lot on the relative rates of temperature rise and water input.
DeleteGrassland generally occurs in semiarid or cool climates where growth conditions aren't good enough for trees but still good enough for grass or shrubs. High-tilt polar climates with shortish bursts of rain around a dry summer might actually be fairly favorable.
It should be 10 degrees from the pole and not 20 degrees. Anyway, there is both land and sea near the poles. Both poles themselves are on land and at quite low altitudes. The North Pole is on a peninsula while the South Pole is situated on the smallest continent. The south polar plain is crossed by a continuous stretch of hills where the temperature does not exceed 45°C.
DeleteI have spent some thoughts on how local life may adapt to the extreme seasons resulting from high axial tilt. My idea was the seasons being so extreme as to exclude woody plants. The polar plains have two alternating plant communities. One is the “spring” community growing at 0 ‒ 30°C. The other is the “summer” one growing at 25 ‒ 55°C. (Autum is too dark for much in the way of photosynthesis.) The shortness of these seasons set limits to how large plants can grow. Could something with a fleshy steam the size of a banana plant grow from a seed in less than two months?
Going by growing degree-days, sustained 30 C temperatures for 2 months with sufficient water as well might be just enough to grow something on the small end of banana plants, but even that's a bit of a stretch
DeleteWhen I checked out it was around days with temperatures over 30°C (“summer”). However, before this there about 40 days (“spring”) with temperatures rising from snowmelt to this. I may have misremembered these proportions due to my sense of symmetry. Anyway, there is a monsoon due to the surrounding seas never getting particularly hot. Where the polar plains border to land there is a narrow band of deciduous forest benefiting from high precipitation but not suffering from extreme temperatures. The ones growing near the North Pole has thick bark, comically thick twigs and proportionally large buds. These have no problem with temperatures between -30 ‒ +45°C. The ones on the South Pole continent instead keep their dry leaves throughout the winter so they can be covered in snow. These get trouble if the temperature sinks below -20 ‒ -25°C. (Not sure yet were to set the limit.) Both groups have evolved heavy transpiration though their large leaves to keep cool in summer. This system can’t handle temperatures above 45°C without even more water than the polar plains normally get. The most polewards ones grow at the coast where it is less hot or along major rivers.
DeleteSorry, it should be around a hounred days above 30°C.
DeleteHi! I've been using your climate guide for my world, and I just want to know if you'd classify my world as "exotic".
ReplyDeleteTo keep things short, everything is kinda different, with the exception of day length, obliquity and eccentricity. The planet orbits around a K-Class star (0.68 solar masses) in only 178 Earth days, with a moon that creates double the tides of Earth. Its also larger than Earth, being 1.25 Earth radii and 1.25 Earth masses, giving it a gravity of 0.8 Earth gravities. CO2 making up 0.15% of the atmosphere on the planet has resulted in an effective temperature of 19-20 degrees Celsius.
The topology is also unique. There is, currently, only one supercontinent I plan to proliferate life onto. Its in the centre of the planet, though shoved to the west, if you were to put it on a map. It stretches into around 65-70 degrees north and 45-50 degrees south. There are currently no other major landmasses. There is a tall mountain range on the west side of the supercontinent, not very far from a coast. Most of the rest of the supercontinent is fairly flat. I've estimated that it covers 30% of the planet, with the rest being water/ice. Both the polar regions are totally free of land currently.
I used the cretaceous pre-set on clima-sim. I'm not exactly sure if that was the correct choice. Most of the area near the equator was 30+ degrees. In "July" (peak summer, I guess) there are no areas on the planet with temperatures below zero.
Due to there only being one major landmass, my ocean gyres are basically bands around the latitudinal lines, so I don't see many opportunities for subtropical highs to form. So, that basically means I'm pretty stumped when it comes to wind patterns.
In summary, I have a planet orbiting a very short orbit around a small star, with an atmosphere that makes it hot. Its continent is huge and gyres are stretched across the latitudes. I need help ._. Is this a hot house? What should I do? Thanks in advance.
Based on that description, it seems like it's similar enough to Earth that it shouldn't be too different. 4-5 degrees warmer than today would probably edge Earth over into the hothouse state, though it's just over the edge--somewhat lower obliquity or different topography could make the difference here, though in your case a redder star and no land at the poles are points against ice cap formation. Note that in clima-sim, after you've done a simulation run you should be able to see a value for the average temperature of the planet. If it's too high or low, you can tweak the semi-major axis setting and run the model again to dial in your preferred result.
DeleteAs to winds, you should get a couple highs off the west coast in the horse latitudes, and maybe in the interior in winter, but yeah it's hard to say what's going on at the east coast. We could probably at least expect onshore winds through low to mid latitudes. Honestly if the coastlines aren't too complex, you can probably just go with the standard sequence we see on Earth, though with some boundaries pushed slightly poleward: Tropical-arid-mediterranean-oceanic-subarctic (if it's cold enough) on the west coast, tropical-subtropical-continental-subarctic on the east. The interior will be pretty dry, probably even across the equator, most severely on the eastern side of those mountains; the western side will probably catch at least a bit of moisture off the ocean and be at least slightly wetter (see e.g. Morocco on Earth).
Hello! Would it be possible to have some advice on the following planet's climate and percipitation? I was having some difficulties and wasn't sure on a few points. Thanks regardless:
ReplyDeleteThis planet has a rotational period of 7.2 hours, and a year of roughly 396 local days, orbiting a star 0.6 solar masses at a distance of 0.4 AU. This planet has low eccentricity (0.002e) and axial tilt (~1deg). My Clima-Sim temperature simulations end up being quite cool, usually set at 1.005AU and with Cretaceous greenhouse gas content. My poles are very cold due to large mountainous plateaus at both of them, and subzero temperatures extend to about 50deg N/S, with the equator being ~25-30C. In your opinion, what would percipitation look like on such a planet? What altitudes do ocean currents get diverted at, and are they large enough for much heat exchange to occur? How large would high pressure zones be on such a planet?
Even without the big plateaus, such low axial tilt will give you cold poles, and essentially no seasons. But such short days are going to give you very complex circulation patterns in the mid latitudes. For such worlds, it may be the case that both ocean and air circulation just becomes chaotic at mid latitudes, with no consistent patterns to mark out. Heat transport will be very poor, so you can mostly ignore that; it's probably just safe to assume that the ITCZ still exists, but over the rest of the world anywhere near the coasts will get some amount of rain, and only areas far inland or surrounded by mountains will be truly arid.
DeleteThanks for the response! It'd be interesting to see how/if sailing cultures could arise on such a planet, if the atmosphere becomes totally chaotic at some altitudes. I also weep for the poor souls who take up meteorology there as well.
DeleteSpeaking of, with less variety of climate zones, where do you think agricultural civilization could arise on such a planet, if at all? (let's assume the inhabitants are human for both our sakes)
To be fair, weather in the Ferrel cell (mid latitudes) is fairly chaotic on a day-to-day basis, but there are semi-static fronts and seasonal patterns, which is basically what I'm trying to track in these tutorials--in this case, it's not just going to be a constant jumbled maelstrom, but you might not have those same reliable wind patterns you can keep returning to as a sailor or minister of agriculture or whatever. Once they have proper computer modelling, they probably could work out short-term weather predictions about as well as us.
DeleteAs to agriculture, there will be less agricultural land overall due to the big poles, but there still should be substantial temperate regions, as well as steppes that seem to be good at producing the hardy cereal crops we like. You can also farm just fine in tropical climates, it just takes a different approach from how we're used to thinking of farms, with clear-cutting and tilled soil. I haven't read into this in too much depth yet (that's for a later post, rest assured) but you kinda have to work with the rainforest, clearing it back a bit with careful burns and favoring the growth of the plants you like, and shifting around your growth area frequently.
One upside to no seasons, though, is that the growing season is eternal. In colder regions you might get occasional frosts that'll kill your crops, but in general you never have to worry about stocking up for winter. On the downside, this might discourage the evolution of quick-growing, seed-focused cereal crops, but perhaps wildfires have a role to play in that as well, and artificial selection can do some wondrous things.
Interesting; this gives me the idea of "nomadic farmers" who move around and work with slash-and-burn methodology. Could be a very interesting civilization to write about.
DeleteOne point from before I'd just like to ask about: roughly how far inland would the wet air penetrate away from the ITCZ? About 2000km, like in your previous modeling for Teacup Ae? If that's the case, this planet actually ends up with very little desert (its drip & plume tectonics creates gradual slopes inland that get high enough to form tundra and ice sheets by that point with a couple exceptions).
Sorry if I'm bombarding you with questions; I just have a particularly bizarre world in this case. Thanks in advance, and I'm very excited for that future agriculture post!
I would recommend reading into native farming techniques in the tropics, rather than just relying on the details I can half remember. Anyway, 2000 km inland is a rough guideline trying to average out a few subtly different cases. If the ITCZ comes straight off the ocean onto flat terrain it may be a good bit more, but if the ITCZ is mostly over land but being supplied with moisture by oceans to the north or south, it may be less. It's hard to be specific.
DeleteHello, just one point of clarification: where is the line between tundra and ice sheet on a seasonless planet? I'm just not sure because the instructions in the previous post contradict with the conditions on a planet without axial tilt.
ReplyDeleteIce sheets will be below 0 C, tundra will be between 0 and 10 C, and then above 10 C (and below 18 C) will be temperate. It's true the previous post misidentified those--with seasons, the temperate band needs to be both above 0 C in winter and above 10 C in summer; it's just rare to find regions on earthlike seasonal planets that remain between 0 and 10 C year-round (I did properly account for them in this post, not sure if I did in the previous one but it should only matter for a few mountain regions anyway). I've now added a note clarifying this, thanks.
DeleteAh, thanks! One other question: what about savannah climate zones? I thought that they couldn't form without seasonal changes in precipitation (high or very high in one, low in the other), but once again, that doesn't happen without tilt. Is there some other factor I've missed?
DeleteAh yeah, something else I should have clarified between posts. Though the previous post does imply a seasonal shift in rain, that was a necessary simplification; the actual definitions for Koppen zones use a couple of complex little formulas ( relating seasonal and total annual rain to define the monsoon, savanna, steppe, and desert zones. Work through all the numbers and you will find that even with no seasonal shift in rains there is a gap between rainforest and steppe (for average temperatures below 29 C) allowing for savanna zones (no such case exists for monsoon zones. I just didn't really bother to account for this in the Earthlike case because here pretty much the entire tropical band has either year-round heavy rain or strong wet and dry seasons; you don't see many tropical areas that are just moderately wet year-round, as would be the case here. I'll add another note to this post.
DeleteWhat exactly is the boundary where I should use the high-obliquity circulation model as opposed to the "standard" model? Is it just where tilt passes 45 degrees, halfway to being fully on its side, or 57 degrees, where the poles start to receive the most insolation on average? On a similar note, at what level of obliquity does Clima-Sim stop being reliable at?
ReplyDeleteIt's probably going to be something of a gradual transition, though the honest answer is I'm not really sure. The models I was using as templates used 85 degree obliquity, and there are a few other models of worlds with similarly high obliquity, or obliquity moderately higher than Earth, but not much detailed work has been done for worlds between about 40 and 80 degree obliquity. I suspect you might get a whole different state somewhere in there, with strong seasons globally but no particularly hot or cold regions, but I can't really comment further with no actual research to work from.
DeleteIt's similarly hard to say anything for sure about Clima-Sim. I certainly wouldn't trust it past ~50 degrees, where you start to get heat moving from pole to equator part of the year--something it wasn't really designed to handle--but below that, I can't be more specific without any better modelling to compare it to.
Hello, just to be curious, do you plan to make your own speculative evolution project out of your Teacup Ae continental Drift series?
ReplyDeleteI have some distant aspiration to it but it's still a ways yet before I would start working on something like that, just getting a final terrain that I'm happy with worked out is turning out to be quite the process.